Punt/Counterpunt: Indiana 2017
[Patrick Barron]PUNTBy Bryan MacKenzieMichigan State's continuing streak of continuing to annoying the bejezzus out of us... continues. But as I pointed out last week, it was not unexpected. You can...
View ArticleIndiana Liveblog
Resources: Preview, FFFF Offense, Defense, Tom Allen’s defenseMike DeBord in 1998 [Robert Kalmbach via UM Bentley Library]New features this week: Removed dignity.-----------------------------FAQ:The...
View ArticleMichigan 27, Indiana 20 (OT)
Tyree Kinnel's fourth-down interception (finally) ended the game. [Bryan Fuller]Stop me if you've heard this one before: Indiana put a harrowing scare into Michigan, only to lose in heartbreaking...
View ArticleMGoPodcast 9.7: All Circuits Are Busy
1 hour 17 minutes[Bryan Fuller]We Couldn’t Have One Without the OtherWe can do this because people support us. You should support them too so they’ll want to do it again next year! The show is...
View ArticleIndiana Postgame Presser: Jim Harbaugh
[Fuller][Ed. A- I couldn’t make it to Indiana this past weekend but luckily Ace and David were willing and able. David pulled out the kind of move you’d expect from a wily veteran and got my recorder...
View ArticleGame Over, Insert Freshman To Continue
10/14/2017 – Michigan 27, Indiana 20 (OT) – 5-1, 2-1 Big Ten[Bryan Fuller]I am at stage five. I have passed through denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. And here we are: acceptance. Michigan is...
View ArticleThe Climb, Part VI: Gut Check
[Ed-Seth: This being the 20th anniversary of the 1997 National Championship, Michigan historian Dr. Sap is taking us game-by-game through it. Previously: Those Who Stayed, The Hit, The Stop, The...
View ArticleMonday Presser 10-16-17: Jim Harbaugh
[Fuller]Can you just talk about Rashan’s play on Saturday and how far you’ve seen him come this year?“Yes, it was really good. Both him and Mo Hurst got accolades for the game: linemen of the week,...
View ArticleMonday Presser 10-16-17: Players
[Fuller]Mo HurstWhat have you seen from Saquan so far this year when you’ve looked at film?“He just seems to get better every single year. We identified him as someone who was a really good player even...
View ArticleThis Week’s Obsession: Midseason Expectations Revamp
THIS ARTICLE HAS A SPONSOR: If you haven’t yet talked to our MGoFinancial Planner Nick Hopwood from Peak Wealth Management, THIS THURSDAY IS YOUR CHANCE.Since some of us need to be on the road on...
View ArticleUnverified Voracity Insults Philadelphia's Mayor
Sponsor note. Are you sick of working for a website that makes everyone think your name is Chad? Have aspirations larger than reposting dank memes while people assert that you're just another...
View ArticleOne Frame At A Time: Indiana
I share your sentiment, every offensive lineman in the background.[Hit THE JUMP for the rest of the IU game in GIFs.]THE FULL ALBUMIs here.HONORABLE MENTIONHigdon gets YAC.Higdon burrows.Gary/Long...
View ArticleOne-Play One-on-One: Devin Bush
[Fuller]Devin Bush picked an opportune time for his first credited QB hurry of the game. It took Indiana two plays to get to Michigan’s side of the field on their final drive of the fourth quarter;...
View ArticleTicket Watch is Your Rival Too
Okay it’s time to talk road tickets.APPDATE! FIXES IN THE HOPPERIf you used Tidget (www.tidgetapp.com) for State week and didn’t contact me please get your complaints in now, since we’re about to send...
View Article2017 Week 7 CFB Recap
The only Week 6 game I was able to watch was the rain-soaked disaster that was Michigan vs. MSU – so there was no recap. The most notable result from that week was Oklahoma’s utterly stunning home loss...
View ArticleNeck Sharpies: The Fullback Counter Trap
I used to be really good at slaps, that game where your opponent puts their hands over yours and you try to whack them before they can pull away. My best trick was I’d make my elbow twitch on one side...
View ArticleUpon Further Review 2017: Offense vs Indiana
SPONSOR NOTE. I mean the unfortunate thing is that president of US soccer isn't even a paid position right now so a guy like Matt, who is very organized and on top of everything and is clearly a...
View ArticleWednesday Presser 10-18-17: Tim Drevno
[Fuller]How much improvement did you see from your guys up front in that Indiana game?“I saw a lot of improvement. It was good. We still need to play better offensively and the guys up front, but when...
View ArticleWednesday Presser 10-18-17: Mike Zordich
[Fuller]Jim said the Lavert [Hill] pick was not a penalty. What did you see on that play?“Yeah, I was astonished. I actually asked the official at halftime, I said, ‘What happened? What’d he do?’ He...
View ArticleFuture Blue Originals: Aidan Hutchinson
story of the second halfI’ve been sitting on the film for this post for a while as I worked to finish off some other projects, mostly because I knew putting the film together for this post was going to...
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