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Upon Further Review 2013: Offense vs UConn


FORMATION NOTES: UConn did some weird stuff. My lingo on these is probably bad but this was "5-1 nickel split" with a 3-4 front that has two OLBs flanking the line:


And I just gave up when this happened, calling it "5-4 30 front":


There was also a 5-3 30 front that had a deep safety.

This is "shotgun 4-wide tight" for M. You may note the weird tilt of Funchess:

shotgun 4-wide tight

As a rule I count a TE in a two point stance as a WR for purposes of naming a formation.

SUBSTITUTION NOTES: The usual basically everywhere. Save one snap for Derrick Green when Toussaint was momentarily injured, Toussaint got every tailback snap. Butt was preferred to Funchess late when Michigan was running the ball. And it seems like Chesson is slowly absorbing snaps from Reynolds and Jackson.

All else was as before.

[After THE JUMP: points! yards! (none of those things)]

LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRDFormTypePlayPlayerYards
M20110I-Form Big2214-4 overRunIsoToussaint2
Kalis(-1) and Miller(-0.5) have some difficulty doubling the nose, who ends up diving in the backfield at Toussaint's feet. Kalis got a late release and the LBs are flowing hard; there's no crease. On the backside, Glasgow(+1) had a pounding block on the other tackle that got him through to another linebacker. I kind of feel I should RPS minus this since the blocking here isn't too bad and the result is two yards.
M2228Shotgun trips TE2214-4 overPassWheelFunchess14
Toussaint motions out and Funchess is the 'back,' and if that's a blinking light that says wheel route to you, you are any Michigan fan. This motion totally discombobulates UConn, BTW, as they send a linebacker over Dileo and have a corner on Toussaint with seven guys in a never-run box. Compounding matters is that UConn is in man and the guy on Funchess has to run right through Butt, which he can't do because Butt is a person. Wheel wide open. RPS +2. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
M36110Pistol 3-wide1134-3 underRunInside zone readToussaint7
UConn shifts away from the TE and sends no one off the corner, so even though I think Gardner(-1) makes an obviously bad read it doesn't matter because Schofield(+1) pounds a DE trying to dive inside of him further and further inside, giving Toussaint(+0.5) an easy cutback to the wide open corner. Miller(+0.5) gave a little ground but effectively sealed a nose; Kalis(+0.5) gets an easy downfield block; Funchess(-1) totally whiffs on a linebacker; Dileo(+1) gets the slot overhang guy, and Toussaint can hop outside of that block for a nice gain. RPS +1.
M4323Shotgun trips TE113Base 3-4PassWheelToussaint7
Wheels on wheels. This is actually zone but the overhang safety has to be cautious because if he gets too aggressive and Toussaint goes vertical it's six points. Easy pitch and catch. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS +1)
50110Shotgun 3-wide jet1134-3 overRunJet sweepNorfleet13
UConn badly misaligned with both the LBs and the line to the field. It's jet sweep time, which looks a lot like inverted veer from the perspective of the D so we get the first look at how UConn is defending that: with a basic scrape. DE comes down as a linebacker flares. Reynolds(-0.5) is cracking down on the scraping LB and hits him but does not seal. Toussaint(-1) doesn't get the corner down at all, and he pops off to tackle as Norfleet passes. That means Norfleet can't put a move on the safety and only gets ten. RPS +2. Only two relevant blocks on this play were bad ones and it's still ten yards. Norfleet(+1) gained about six yards after contact.
O37110Ace122Base 3-4RunZone stretchToussaint3
Mystifying that they run a stretch to the boundary against an even formation with Funchess off the line, in a disadvantageous position to start. Even so, he gets beat(-1) badly and forces an awkward bounce. Schofield(+1) rode his guy down the line and put him on the ground, but every other block is pretty meh; Miller gets ridden down the line by a guy over him and no one gets a blocking angle on any of the linebackers. Toussaint cuts up into a mess, but at least it's a three yard mess.
O3427I-Form twins stack2124-3 overPassThrowback screenGallon2
Gallon motions over behind Chesson, and throwback screen alarms go off. Screen is thrown back; Chesson(-2) blows a block to blow up the play. (CA, 3, screen)
O3235Shotgun 4-wide tight1133-3-5 nickelPassDelayed hitchGallonInt
Gallon doesn't move off the LOS for a couple of seconds after the play starts and then leaks out into space M hopes is vacated once other WRs run zone defenders at the sticks off. Protection is fine; Gardner steps up and steps up unnecessarily until he's uncomfortable with how close the OL is and can't step in, a simple five yard throw is way high and batted, intercepted. This was probably fourth and short if caught, actually, and Funchess was breaking wide open behind him, if you want to add a BR. (INX, 0, protection 2/2)
Drive Notes: Interception, 0-0, 9 min 1st Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M31110Pistol FB twins2124-4 overRunZone read bellyToussaint-1
Press cover with one safety shaded over the WRs and eight guys in the box; AJ Williams is the TE. Tip? M runs IZ with Toussaint pointed at the backside of the line as Lewan(+0.5) and Glasgow(+0.5) blow up the playside end. Williams goes for the overhang corner; Kerridge heads backside. This is where Michigan's rudimentary zone read game hurts them because the DE here is playing it really soft, making it hard for Gardner(-1) to read. I think the guy is at the LOS and he should test him on the edge, but he is in a real gray area. By the time Kerridge gets to the LOS the handoff has been made and he's got guys to either side of him. He can do nothing; Toussaint can do nothing. RPS -1.
M30211Pistol 3-wide113Nickel overPassPA pop slantGallon10
M is blocking IZ and Glasgow releases a couple yards downfield to chase an OLB; but this is not a true packaged play since Gardner isn't reading the LB who might undercut this slant. It is a close relative since M is using the pure run-blocking look to get a guy open. Gardner aborts the mesh and hits Gallon for an easy pitch and catch. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS +1)
M4031Goal line2304-5 overRunDown G bootGardner16
Schofield and Lewan paired on the left; M does the rollout thing. Funchess is gone, man, and this could be six points if Gardner decides to throw, corner is open and I'm sure he's told if it's open just get it. I'm not filing this as a pass. (RPS +2)
O46110Ace 1224-3 overPassScrambleGardner2
Can't find anyone open and ends up in just acres of space in the backfield, with no one in front of him. Decides to take off but a lot of underneath zone so those guys come up and hold any gain down. Understandable, but would have been better to continue to survey. Funchess was about to break open for an easy touchdown. (TA, N/A, protection 3/3)
O4428Shotgun empty TE113Base 3-4PassTunnel screenChesson6
Should break massive but Kalis(-2) totally blows a downfield block and Chesson has to start dancing around way too early. (CA, 3, screen, RPS +2)
O3832Shotgun trips 113Nickel overRunQB DrawGardner11
Opens massively as it seems like UConn DT doesn't get a stunt call and Gardner traipses for the first down without meeting resistance. Easy, mostly opponent error. RPS +1.
O27110I-Form Big2214-5 overRunReverseChesson-1
Kerridge(-1) is stalking the backside end like usual; backside end plays it pretty well, but he gets rocked back and doesn't try to go low at all, which he probably shoot. Even so, Chesson(-2) needs to bounce outside no matter the cost because there is no corner here at all and it is still likely a touchdown if he does so. RPS push since the DE was reading for this all the way.
O28211Pistol trips113Nickel overRunZone read keeperGardner-2
Hey, Norfleet's on the field and they don't give it to him. Woo. M runs a zone read to the boundary right into a corner blitz designed to blow this play up. DE crashes, corner blitzes, Gardner pulls, eaten up. RPS -3.
O30313Shotgun 3-wide113Nickel evenPassDeep outGallonInc (Pen +15)
Smallwood sent up the middle on a twist; Glasgow(-1) and Miller(-1) don't handle it well; Miller gives up too much penetration and Glasgow is slow reading the stunt. Smallwood flies up in the pocket and nails Gardner. Gardner gets hit as he throws a deep out to Gallon, ball is way inside and a bit long, Gallon adjust to it beautifully and gets run over by the UConn corner. Fresh set of downs. This ball was inaccurate because Gardner got lit up; took courage to stand in and fire there and Gallon was open. I'm giving him a CA here, because eating this ball is fourth and twenty and either a 50 yard FGA or a punt. (CA, 0, protection 0/2, Miller/Glasgow -1)
O15110I-Form Big1224-5 overRunZone stretchToussaint-1
This one is all Miller(-3) getting smoked by a DT he's head up on. Lewan also failed to get a cut on a backside guy. Zone stretch when you suck at zone stretch is a bad reason to go big.
O16211Ace1224-3 overPassPA PostGallonInc
This is a touchdown if Gardner doesn't miss entirely. (IN, 0, protection 2/2)
O16311Shotgun double stacks113Nickel evenPassScrambleGardner16
Man free for UConn and a six man rush. Miller, don't care if this isn't a run play) does a fantastic job to read the stunting DL and come off on him, kicking him down the line and providing a crease once Toussaint also recognizes what's happening and moves from the edge to clock Smallwood's delayed blitz. Gardner(+1) probably freaks out too fast, but once he decides to go and gets a crease, he's gone. Beats a safety, holds ball out like idiot, scores touchdown. (SCR, 0, protection 4/4). Tough, tough blitz pickup executed to perfection.
Drive Notes: Touchdown, 7-0, 2 min 1st Q. UFR ends here.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M35110Shotgun trips TE1134-3 overPassTE hitchFunchessInc
More wheel action; this time it's covered so the TE out is open. Gardner throws well behind Funchess, outside of even his massive catching radius. Ball just deflects off his fingertips. (IN, 0, protection 1/1)
M35210Ace twins twin TE122Base 3-4PassSackGardner-16
UConn walks Smallwood down at the TE motion and Funchess(-2) gets smoked by him. Obligatory waggle contain guy prevents Gardner from rolling away, Gardner spins outside and maybe should dump it away but once he breaks Smallwood there's an expectation he's busted the pocket. He probably would have if Jackson ran a route instead of blocked a guy. WTF. (PR, N/A., protection 0/2, Funchess -2).
M19326Shotgun trips 1133-3-5 nickelPassSackGardner-4
Michigan rolls out against a team with no sacks on the year rushing three and leaves the backside guy unblocked. I don't think this is Lewan's issue, but it looks like it is because he reacts after he reads three man rush. Miller bugs out late to try and pick this guy up but can't. Gardner is nailed from behind. (PR, 0, protection 0/3 Miller -1, team -2, RPS -1). Assume M was running flood but this is poreovision.
Drive Notes: Punt, 7-0, EO1Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M23110Shotgun 3-wide113Nickel overRunInverted veer giveToussaint7
M actually options the end, who doesn't come far enough upfield and Gardner(+1) makes the give. The keep looked really open if the DE played it hard. Toussaint(+0.5) on the edge, gets some YAC.
M3023I-Form twins 2124-4 overRunIsoToussaint4
UConn hitting this hard. Kerridge(+0.5) takes on a LB at the LOS who forces it back inside. Next LB handled by Kalis(+0.5) , somewhat; Glasgow(+1) gets major movement on the backside DT by himself and then is able to rub out the last LB with help from Lewan(+0.5); Toussaint(+1) does a nice job to pick through this trash all the way to the backside and would burst through all this into the secondary but for the eighth guy in the box. Miller(-0.5) just about lost the nose despite help from Kalis.
M34110Shotgun 3-wide113Base 3-4RunCounterToussaint5
Kinda looks like speed option at first; then Schofield pulls. Lewan(+1) crushes the playside end to the ground inside; Schofield(+1) gets around on a linebacker who bit, Dileo(-1) gets chucked away by the third linebacker and Toussaint has to spend a bunch of time dancing around him, allowing other folk to rally. I'd RPS this except that it asked Dileo to block a LB.
M3925I-Form 2124-4 overPassFadeReynolds Inc
Michigan screws up a freeze play. UConn doesn't jump, Miller(-1) snaps it anyway. End result is a one man fade against a guy eight yards off the LOS. Reynolds is leaned off the route by the cornerback, otherwise this is an accurate ball. (CA, 0, protection 1/1).
M3935Shotgun 4-wide 113Nickel evenPassSlantDileoInc
Live this looks like a bad throw, but the CB actually gets a shove on Dileo before the ball is in the air, causing Dileo to take a step infield that is good for the foot or two the throw misses by. (MA, 0, protection 1/1).
Drive Notes: Punt, 7-0, 11 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M16110Shotgun 4-wide tight1134-3 overPassScrambleGardner14
Williams at TE with Funchess; Gardner checks from under center to shotgun. This looks to be all hitch, and he's got Funchess for a few, but immediately starts bugging out. Happy, happy feet here. If he thinks the MLB is going to come on a delayed blitz and end him okay but this is a play with five routes of under four yards. Gardner doesn't throw, instead running around and whatnot. He avoids the blitzers, sneaks through a crack in the line provided by Schofield(+1) and Toussaint(+1), hits the outside, and is done with six UConn guys. Smallwood chucks Williams away (he's in a route, not his fault) and tracks Gardner down with help from the secondary. Smallwood can play yo. (SCR, N/A, protection 3/3)
M30110I-Form 2124-4 overRunIsoToussaint2
Blitz off the corner from a safety and a slant under beats Williams(-1). Lewan plunks the slanting DT inside; Kerridge adjusts and blows up Smallwood but for naught. RPS -1.
M3228Ace twins 122Base 3-4RunInverted veer keeperGardner10 (Pen -8)
UConn clearly walking down a safety to take the slot receiver pre-snap, needs a check, no check. Kalis can't read it as fast as it needs to be but not really his fault; he runs by a guy inside who he thinks is the option guy. Meanwhile Gardner sees the guy plunging off the slot and keeps, only to get swarmed by both dudes. He makes then miss(+2) by spinning outside; Toussaint(+1) cut the corner guy, which helped quite a bit. Now on the edge, Kalis(+0.5) bashes a guy Jackson is losing, but doesn't come off to pop a safety. Play comes back as Funchess(-2) gets a holding call by refusing to let go after his block is beaten. RPS -2.
M24216Shotgun 3-wide1133-3-5 nickelPassHitchGallonInc
Michigan runs all hitch on second and 16 with seven guys in the protection and tight coverage. WTF. Gardner throws a low pass that's basically fine and dropped by Gallon. For five yards. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS -1)
M24316Shotgun trips 1133-3-5 nickelPassDigChessonInc
Miller(-2) gets beaten up the middle on a three man rush. Gardner spins out, finds he can't get outside the pocket, sets up, and fires a pretty good pass considering the circumstances to Chesson, Gardner really should have stepped through the pressure instead of spinning, but I don't see any routes past the sticks anyway. (CA, 1, protection 0/2, Miller -2)
Drive Notes: Punt, 7-0, 7 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M25110Ace twins stack122Base 3-4PassFlyChessonINT
This is too far inside and a little short, allowing the DB to make a play on the ball at the same time Chesson does. Chesson needs to slow and extend a la Manningham here; instead he does not use his body to shield the defender and ends up trying to make a simultaneous catch that the defender wins. Chesson also could have undercut the DB to high point the ball before it gets to him; either way he could use some Braylon lessons. (CA, 2, protection 2/2)
Drive Notes: Interception, 7-7, 4 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M44110Shotgun 3-wide113Nickel evenRunQB DrawGardner3
UConn sends a fifth guy to the outside and stunts a DE into the desired running lane. Miller(-1) should recognize it earlier since it seems like he's looking right at the guy; DE rips through to force Gardner(+0.5) to the outside, where he slips through a narrow hole to get something before being swarmed. RPS -1; seems like a D designed to snuff out a draw if it happens to occur.
M4727Shotgun 3-wide1133-3-5 nickelPassSackGardner-13
Yerk. So Funchess momentarily blocks a linebacker as he releases. No idea why. He then goes into a route. UConn sends a couple guys; Toussaint(-1) does a bleh job of cutting one and Kalis(-2) decides to help out there as he watches the Funchess block occur. If he sticks with that LB, Gardner might be able to escape, as it is, sack. Important: not on Miller. (PR, N/A, protection 0/3, Toussaint -1, Kalis -2)
M34320Ace 3-wide1133-3-5 nickelRunZone stretchToussaint10
Give up and punt.
Drive Notes: Punt, 7-14, EO1H.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M25110Ace twins 122Base 3-4RunInside zone Toussaint7
Miller(+2) instantly under the pads of the nose tackle and gets good push. When NT tries to shuck to a frontside gap Miller drives him back even further, shoving him four yards downfield and pancaking him. Glasgow(+0.5) and Schofield(+0.5) got decent blocks on other UConn folk. Lewan(+0.5) got some drive on the playside end. Toussaint(+0.5) is patient, finding the hole Miller provides and getting as much as he can with his blocks. Safety is first contact: that's a well-blocked play.
M3223Ace twins 1225-1 nickel splitRunInside zone Toussaint2
Weird formation seems to throw M off. Kalis(-1) should probably help with a down lineman or go direct to the single LB, instead he helps on a guy who is head up on Miller. Miller(+1) has this guy handled basically himself, shoving a slanting guy down the line and getting a little depth. Schofield(+0.5) gets slanted under but gets control and escorts him down the line. Toussaint(+1) makes a nice read and cuts back behind that just as Kalis peels off and does find the linebacker, getting a little shove. Toussaint is hacked down by arms as he reaches to the first down marker.
M3431Goal line230Goal lineRunQB sneakGardner0
Disaster sneak. Magnuson(-1) blown up; Gardner(-3) fumbles. RPS -1 for putting a redshirt freshman in this position.
Drive Notes: Defensive touchdown, 7-21, 13 min 3rd Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M36110Shotgun double stacks113Nickel overRunQB DrawGardner49 (Pen -10)
Miller(-1) driven back and two-gapped by the NT, so Gardner has no particular place to go. He ends up taking it outside; Lewan(-0.5) has engaged the guy enough for Gardner to get the corner, and he gets an iffy holding call. This is the kind of thing that happens when you have to pop outside a block, though in this case Gardner had little choice. Gardner(+2) does shoot through the secondary with help from Toussaint(+0.5) and Glasgow(+0.5) on Smallwood.
M26120I-Form Big2214-4 overRunZone stretchToussaint-5
You have to be kidding me with this playcall. You can't block this all night and it's first and twenty and you load up to run this? Miller(-3) ignores a guy shaded between himself and Kalis, he shoots into the backfield. Glasgow(+1) kills the playside DT really impressively, with Miller kind of ineffectually helping from behind. UConn overplays the outside, beating up Williams(-1) and getting penetration; Funchess(+0.5) actually seals his attacker inside but that DE who beat up Williams comes underneath the Funchess block to get a major TFL. RPS -1. First and twenty zone stretch that hasn't gained a yard all night. From a big formation. Cumong man.
M21225Shotgun twin TE1223-3-5 nickelPassThrowback screenToussaint0
Lewan(-1) waits too long to get out on his block and can't even contact the CB coming up hard; UConn DT does a good job to get out on this and finish the play after Toussaint(+0.5) slips the first tackle. RPS -1.
M21325Shotgun trips1133-3-5 nickelRunQB DrawGardner8
Give up and punt.
Drive Notes: Punt, 7-21, 11 min 3rd Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M25110Ace twins 1224-4 overRunInside zone Toussaint4
Miller(-1) and Kalis(-0.5) spend a while doubling the NT and get no motion; Miller gets dumped a yard in the backfield as a guy Kalis can't deal with gets past him. Williams(-1) beat straight up by the end, ugly. Toussaint(+2) smartly cuts away from this mess, into more mess. Butt(-1) lost his guy, too; Lewan(+0.5) and Glasgow(+0.5) did move the other DT significantly, providing the small crease Toussaint exploits for okay yards.
M2926Shotgun trips TE1134-3 overPassOut and upDileo13
Great patience by Gardner this time, as a three man rush is getting nowhere. Gardner stands and delivers, but only after pumping to Butt first. Dileo(+awesome) perceives his out is blanketed and extends to a seam-type route. Gardner fires high to get it over a linebacker, Dileo brings it in. (DO, 2, protection 3/3)
M42110I-Form 212Base 3-4RunZone stretchToussaint-1
I mean, there's a guy obviously blitzing off the edge and no one within ten yards of Gallon. No check. Still, this is blocked pretty well. Lewan(+1) and Glasgow(+1) perceive their guys shooting inside and seal them off . Miller(+1) gets under the center and blasts him back. He's likely to pick off the MLB. Kerridge(-1) does not perceive the slant, or just can't adjust. With that overhang guy blitzing off the corner I think that's a pre-snap read you can make, maybe? That leaves an unblocked linebacker in the hole; Toussaint(-1) makes a bad decision to maybe bounce instead of just pounding it into that guy, which costs M a few yards. Picture paged. RPS –1.
M41211I-Form Big1224-4 overPassPA InGallon12
Token PA. Various guys clear out the inside zones and leave Gallon open; pitch and catch plus YAC as Gallon(+1) has gotten just wide open against man. (CA, 3, protection 2/2, RPS +1)
O47110Shotgun 3-wide jet1134-3 overRunJet sweepNorfleet1
Basically inverted veer without a read. Playside end doesn't dive inside and pursues well, no chance for Kalis to get him. Gallon gets a pop(+0.5) and Toussaint(+0.5) also does; excellent crease if that end isn't playing this just right. He is. Norfleet picks the guy to run into. (RPS -2)
O4629I-Form 2124-4 overRunZone stretchToussaint7
Check! Into a stretch. Okay. Williams(+1) chips the end and gets to LB; Schofield(+1) finishes the seal. Kerridge(+1) kicks the force guy well, seam for Toussaint. Toussaint(+0.5) stiffarms a guy for some YAC.
O3932Shotgun double stacks113Nickel evenPassScrambleGardner4
I think? Gardner(+1) bugs out of this so fast it seems like a draw but no one is blocking and Toussaint is headed for a blitz pickup on a guy coming of the corner. Guess: Gardner saw the big split between the DL and said screw it, goin'. It's dodgy for a bit but he drags guys for the easy first down. (SCR, N/A, protection N/A)
O35110Shotgun 3-wide113Nickel evenPassSlantReynolds Inc
Check! Double slants. This was thrown to either Dileo or Reynolds. I don't know which, it's so off target. IN, 0, protection 1/1)
O35210Shotgun 3-wide1133-3-5 nickelRunSpeed option pitchToussaint35
Check! UConn shows three guys on the line with various blitzer types and press cover. Gardner checks to the speed option. Miller(+1) cuts the nose tackle; Gardner(+1) pitches just before getting plowed by the DE. Schofield(+1) kicks out a playside linebacker and Kalis(+0.5) gets barely enough of a push on a linebacker who blitzed and then came back. This puts Toussaint(+2) into the secondary, where he gets a block from Butt(+1) all the way from the backside and dodges a guy it appears Jackson missed to turn 15 yards into a touchdown. RPS +2.
Drive Notes: Touchdown, 14-21, 5 min 3rd Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
M29110Ace H twins1224-4 overRunPower OToussaint0
Another well blocked play but this one falls to the fact that there are eight guys in the box and seven blockers. Lewan(+0.5) and Glasgow(+0.5) get the playside tackle inside. End dives down playing to spill; Butt(+1) bashes him inside effectively. Kalis(+0.5) routes around and gets a kickout block, leaving Toussaint(-0.5) one on one with the eighth guy. He dances to no effect, turning a 2 or 3 yard gain into zero. RPS -1.
M29210Ace twin TE1224-3 overPassImprovGallonInc
Extremely token PA fake. Schofield(-2) gets spun through, pressure up the middle as M slides their line hard. Toussaint(-1) can't handle a DE, Gardner has to scramble outside. He finds Gallon for a first down nicely, but airmails it way high. Gallon can only get a fingertip on it. (IN+, 0, protection 0/3, Schofield -2, Toussaint -1)
M29310Shotgun double stacks1133-3-5 nickelPenaltyFalse startGlasgow-5
Glasgow -1.
M24315Shotgun trips 1133-3-5 nickelPassDigChesson17
All day as it's just a three man rush. Chesson comes open as UConn seems to have huge spaces in their zone; Gardner fires it hard and low. Chesson digs it out. (CA, 2, protection 2/2)
M41110Shotgun 2TE twins1225-1 nickel splitPassTE outButt9
Wheel/TE combo. UConn covers the wheel so Gardner dumps it to Butt for a solid gain. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
5021Goal line230Goal lineRunDown G bootGardner4
Everyone's favorite short yardage play until it doesn't work. Two guys go with Funchess and while the guy on the edge is really trying to keep contain he's got Williams on him and Kalis(+0.5) pulls into him; Gardner(+0.5) runs around the edge, whereupon a corner comes off to force him OOB.
O46110I-Form 2124-4 overPassPostChessonInc (Pen +15)
Ton of time for Gardner; he sits and fires deep to Chesson, who has smoked a cornerback. He misjudges an excellently thrown ball, slowing up a step and seeing the ball go over his head by about that much. (DO, 2, protection 2/2). Hands to the face gives M a first down.
O31110Ace twins 122Base 3-4RunInside zone Toussaint0
Miller(-2) whipped by the NT, who flows to the hole playside and sheds easily. Schofield(-1) stalemated. Lewan(-1) can't get his guy at all. Ugly playcall as UConn is obviously blitzing off the other edge so everyone will slant to the play; UConn doesn't even bother to check the QB. RPS -2.
O31210Shotgun trips TE113Base 3-4PassSackN/A-7
Miller(-3) chucked to the ground by the nose tackle, instant pressure up middle on three man rush. (PR, N/A, protection 0/3, Miller -3) Gardner scrambles around, avoiding one guy and breaking the pocket, but a spy is coming hard and he can't make a play after.
O38317Shotgun 3-wide113Nickel evenPassScrambleGardner15
Good protection against four; Gardner can't find anyone. He starts moving forward when Kalis slips on the turf and then has to bounce outside; DE Schofield is blocking slips himself. Gardner's(+2) outside the pocket and takes off, shooting straight upfield and getting some YAC. (SCR, N/A, protection 2/2)
O2342Shotgun 3-wide1136-2 baseRunQB DrawGardner1
I'm not sure if this is actually supposed to be lead by Toussaint or not. UConn sends everyone to that side, though, and Garner immediately cuts back to a backside hole. He seems caught between hitting it up hard and bouncing outside of Butt(+0.5), who eventually put a DB on his back. Lewan probably gets away with a hold, FWIW. Refs +2. Gardner(-3) almost evades one tackle and then fumbles as he's hit from behind by Smallwood. That costs him his forward progress and possibly the first down. It was going to be close.
Drive Notes: Turnover on downs, 14-21, 11 min 4th Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
O11110Ace twin TE1225-4 30 frontRunZone stretchToussaint11
More a massive UConn mistake than anything great by M as the force player jumps inside of Butt(+1), who does bump that guy and then another guy coming inside out to get a block. Toussaint(+0.5) reads it and has the corner for an easy six. Pulled the Mouton. Without that this is maybe three yards as AJ Williams(-1) does a very poor job on the edge (his guy can pop off to either side a yard in the backfield) and UConn has a free guy with 9 in the box and no safeties at all. Lewan(+1) and Glasgow(+1) did an excellent job to blow a guy down the line and extend to a linebacker, FWIW.
Drive Notes: Touchdown, 21-21, 10 min 4th Q.
LnDnDsO FormRBTEWRD FormTypePlayPlayerYards
O40110Ace twins twin TE1224-4 overRunZone stretchToussaint14
Similar to the previous play as Williams(-1) gets clunked into the backfield awkwardly and Toussaint has to pick his way around that. He goes upfield, dangerously towards a lineman flowing, but Kalis(+1) manages to step around him and seal him off when he anticipates a full cutback from Toussaint(+2) that does not come. He now extends to the sideline. Lewan(+1) locks onto a linebacker and pushes him literally off the field. Butt(+1) puts his guy on the ground. Glasgow(+0.5) and Miller(+0.5) get push on the playside DT, but can't pop off to get Smallwood; M gets lucky as Smallwood loses sight of Toussaint and can only react late.
O26110Ace twin TE1225-3 30 frontRunZone stretchToussaint6
Butt(+0.5) and Williams(+0.5) kick LB types out. Further inside, Miller(+1) struggles a bit with the NT but when he tries to shed Miller cuts him down. Lewan(+0.5) and Glasgow(+0.5) again blast a DT off the ball without being able to climb to Smallwood, and this time Smallwood is on the ball.
O2024Ace H 1224-3 overRunPower OToussaint0
Butt(-1) gets knocked back by the unblocked playside end, causing Toussaint(-1) to misread the play. Lewan(+0.5) gets some motion on a DT; Glasgow helps but he should come off on a gap shooting LB and doesn't. Williams does a meh job with a linebacker.
O2034Shotgun trips 1134-3 overPassRollout outGallon8
UConn shows man cover zero and M gets a bit of a rub route as Gallon breaks out as Dileo goes down the seam, impeding a defensive back indirectly. A six man blitz doesn't get anywhere. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS +1)
O12110Ace twins twin TE1225-4 30 frontRunStretch edgeToussaint2
This one designed to go outside as Chesson(+1) cracks down on the force guy, putting him on the ground. Butt then releases to the outside after helping Williams(-1) chip; Williams still gets driven back, widening Toussaint's angle and allowing the OLB to press Toussaint inside out. As a result he doesn't consider a cutback once he's on the edge and gets popped four yards downfield by a corner, fumbling. -3 for Toussaint. M recovers but they give back half the gain.
O1028Ace H 1224-3 evenPassWaggle scrambleGardner6
Butt blows an assignment at first and then realizes he's supposed to get in a route. He does that late and gets covered; the deeper route is also covered; Gardner takes off. (SCR, N/A, protection N/A)
O4 32Ace 3-wide1136-2 basePassThrowawayN/AInc
Kalis pulls to the outside a la Gardner runs previous; UConn ready for it and cuts off the outside. Worse, Schofield(-2) ignores a DL to double someone else and he comes through up the middle to pressure. Garner dumps it OOB. If he had time I think he's got Butt for a TD. (PR, N/A, protection 0/2)
Drive Notes: FG(21), 24-21, 4 min 4th Q. Michigan's final snaps are kneels.


I feel that doing this is neither realistic nor helpful, especially midseason.


Awwww, you don't really mean that.


To properly evaluate this in context we need a—

a ch—





about these things:

Devin Gardner 2012

Ohio State311(1)25*21-3265%
South Carolina416(2)2834-2257%

Devin Gardner 2013

Central Michigan210(1)+112*--1382%
Notre Dame7+16(1)++4(1)23*-14482%

Shane Morris

Central Michigan-4-11*1---N/A

That was… okay? I guess? I'm surprised by that number, too. Let's sanity check it. Here are the incompletions on which I did not give Gardner an IN:

  1. Gardner blown up on third and long, throws to Gallon, gets PI call.
  2. Freeze play gone awry.
  3. A slant that went wide was filed an MA as the DB gets a shove on Dileo and busts up the route somewhat.
  4. Hitch dropped by Gallon.
  5. Pressure up middle, inadvisable spin, low but catchable throw to Chesson.
  6. Interception on decently throw deep ball to Chesson.
  7. Chesson misjudges well thrown deep ball.
  8. Gardner chucks ball OOB as he gets instant pressure.

You could argue that some of those were bad plays, but I think that's about right. You don't want five balls that are wildly inaccurate in a game but Gardner did not throw into coverage all night and only had one pass on which he had an opportunity to find someone and didn't—a two yards scramble with no pressure on which he had Funchess about to streak open deep. He also missed Funchess open for a touchdown on his first short-yardage boot of the night, but with the corner wide open I'm betting he's told to run the dang ball if he knows he can get a first down.

Unfortunately, Gardner's pocket presence is still an issue. Here he's got a three-man rush on which a cavern is opening up to one side of the nose tackle and still does his spin, this time into trouble:

If he's making that throw to Chesson by stepping into it as he nears the LOS it likely arrives on time and whistling, giving Michigan a shot at a first down. He appears to be working on it, at least.

A few things were mitigated by repeat views. Inexplicable covered fade to Joe Reynolds was a freeze play on which Miller snapped the ball without an opponent in the neutral zone. I think this third and medium pass is less bad than it seemed since Dileo gets knocked off his route:

It's subtle, but Dileo is moved more parallel to the LOS than he wants to go and Gardner seems to throw it to where he's supposed to be instead of where he is. I chalk that up to good defense, mostly.

Gardner didn't get much help from either his line or his receivers in this one, and the happy feet don't really show up in the UFR chart except as that one TA. And it's debatable how happy those feet were anyway. His six scramble rushes averaged 9.5 yards an attempt and turned third and eleven from the 16 into a critical touchdown. Pretend those are completions and his line is… well… slightly less horrific. It goes from 13/25 for 111 yards to 19/31 for 168 yards. Woo?

A lot of slack was cut to Gardner for a reason you might be able to guess if you look at the "PR" section above.

With that number up the offensive line chart must be just…


Offensive Line
Lewan7.525.5Gets movement, but without purpose.
Glasgow8.517.5Can play! CAN PLAY.
Miller713-6Pass protection uglier.
Kalis44.5-0.5Got lost on screen for big minus.
Schofield6.515.5Pulled, showed agility.
Funchess0.54-3.5Useless hold wiped out impressive Gardner bailout run.
Butt523Replaced Funchess late, deserved to.
Magnuson-1-1Kind of a big minus.
TOTAL40.534.554%Just not good enough. Tight ends a massive issue.
Gardner1284Great! Except for the two fumbles that cost Michigan 10-14 points.
Toussaint136.56.5Blocking helped him with the number.
Kerridge1.52-0.5Not heavily involved.
TOTAL26.516.510Toussaint number is a surprise to me.
Chesson14-3End around a bad cut; biffed a throwback screen block.
Norfleet1-1YAC on jet sweep.
TOTAL3.55.5-2Tough day for Chesson all around.
Protection332062%Miller –7, Schofield –4, Funchess –2, Toussaint –2, Kalis –2, Glasgow –1, Team –2.
RPS1619-3Started off really strong, and then ran out of steam.

That protection number is miserable, barely better than Michigan's performance against Notre Dame. Gardner did not cope as brilliantly as he did against the Irish.

I'm actually surprised by the Toussaint number, which also includes a –3 for his fumble. Leave that aside and that's a really strong day. Despite the 120 yards at 5 yards a pop in my head I still think he had a bleah day. That's what the charting's for, though: to make you reconsider your lying eyes.

The rest of it lines up with my expectations: Lewan and Glasgow were both good, as was Schofield; Kalis had a bit of a struggle, Miller did some good things but got destroyed on way too many plays, the tight ends are huge liabilities blocking, Gardner's legs saved Michigan's ass except when his arms were fumbling.

But Glasgow's a walk-on?

I'm about a month away from giving him knighthood in the Order of St. Kovacs, whereupon the fact that he is a walk-on becomes a quaint historical fact relevant only to Tom Rinaldi.

He's got to show it against Big Ten foes, but Glasgow is good. He is just good. Even when Michigan is not picking up yards on run plays he is firing off the ball and getting push, consistently.

A few times in this game he'd club some guy only to see another player mess something up such that Michigan could not take advantage of it. Maybe he won't perform as well against Big Ten teams—he struggled against Nix—but he is definitely Michigan's best interior lineman.

I won't say fire, but… like… there seems to be kind of a glaring hole in the above chart. Other than the tight ends.

Yes. You, like the rest of the internet, clamors for the insertion of Chris Bryant and benching of Jack Miller. It seems like you may get your wish in two weeks against Minnesota, as buzz around says Michigan is going to make that switch as long as Bryant stays healthy. Which he's never been, but whatever.

Miller did struggle. He was in large part responsible for three busted zone plays and gave up two pressures up the middle that resulted in lost plays for M, and while UConn's DL isn't terrible it's not Notre Dame where you can just about write a bad performance off. He also messed up that freeze play. He was run overtwice for stretch TFLs.

This was just… are you seriously leaving this guy?

In what world is that guy not lined up over you? In what world does Kyle Kalis have the faintest prayer of blocking that guy without a scoop? This is game four and if you're still making enormous, obvious mistakes like that on the stretch while simultaneously being the smallest dude on the line, you're nearing your expiration date.

Meanwhile in pass protection:

"That can't happen" is the worst analysis, but man… that can't happen. (Craig Ross did make a great point on WTKA today, though: Why is Glasgow helping Lewan? Lewan is fine. Lewan is doing sudoku he is so bored. Help Miller.)

Miller did do some positive things. One of them was covered in the picture pages; here's a second-half-opening inside zone on which he's the primary block that gets Toussaint a nice gain:

He and Toussaint did pick up a twist blitz from UConn that gave Gardner a lane for Michigan's first touchdown, as well.

He's inconsistent and when he is on the bad side of that things tend to go really badly because of his size—290 is probably an exaggeration. He can't get away with any slip in technique at all. Really makes you appreciate David Molk. I know I just argued that benching Miller is not an easy choice, and I still think it's not a slam dunk because Chris Bryant may shatter at any moment… but once you add it up it's stark. Michigan has to try something else here after consecutive days of –5.5 and –7 against Akron and UConn, the latter with seven protection minuses besides.

Unfortunately and as detailed extensively earlier this week, Miller's failings are far from the only issue with the run game and benching him will not be a magic wand.

Sigh. Well, then, what are the issues with the run game?

A dossier of failed (< 4 yards except short yardage type plays) Michigan runs broken down by responsibility (I split some plays 50/50 between two categories):

  • Rock-paper-scissors loss: 6
  • Toussaint issues: 1
  • Missed reads: 1
  • TEs: 3
  • Line biffs: 5

Note: left out the end around and a two yard run on second and three.

Miller was responsible for over half the the line issues, but those RPS hits are a big part of the problem. Again and again Michigan got caught in crappy situations like zone read against a corner blitz, and just sucked it up. If Gardner has a check maybe that's on him.

So you give Toussaint a super grade and think that he's not responsible for short runs in this game and you're still down on him?

I can't argue. I will have to resolve this inconsistency going forward.

My feelingsball take: I still think he's deeply uncomfortable with the idea of following his blocks. At the slightest hint of adversity he wants to bounce, bounce, bounce. Sometimes that's because he's got an unblocked guy he's trying to deal with, but especially on power plays even minor issues cause him to lose faith, think about a bounce, and blow up the precise timing required to run the ball. Canonical example:

Butt gets rocked back there by the end. Toussaint wants to bail, figures out he can't bail, and then gets swallowed up for zero yards. If he follows his lead blocker that's the worst case scenario. More likely he grinds out four or something.

When faced with a hole occupied by a defensive player he almost invariably tries to bounce it outside, finds that a Michigan player in in the way since he's kicking out a defender, and costs Michigan two or three yards:

That adds up when it happens on six to eight plays a game.

On a rather heavy other hand, he did have a couple of nice downshift-through-the-hole moments on zone plays, most prominently the inside zone embedded above and the 14-yarder that kicked off Michigan's winning field goal drive:

He also showed his skill in the open field on the 35-yard speed option touchdown, setting up the last man with an upfield cut and then bouncing to the sideline for a critical 20 bonus yards. In this game the good outweighed the bad. I guess.

How do we fix this?

This is never happening but Michigan would be wise to seriously de-emphasize their tight ends. Funchess's issues have been discussed in depth, but Williams is hardly better. He consistently gives ground against players smaller than him. Toussaint's fumble on the last drive is probably a touchdown if Williams doesn't get blasted back three yards by an OLB:

Don't confuse that with kickout blocks on which offering upfield penetration is acceptable. Michigan cracks down with Chesson and then flares Butt to the corner—one of those tweaks I complain about not seeing enough of in Michigan's run game—on a play designed to get the corner all the way. All Williams has to do is stalemate a 230 pound OLB (with help from a chip!) and Toussaint has the ability to cut back. Instead he has to run to the corner.

This is a disappointment. If they're improved over last year it's incrementally; they have not taken a leap. Putting those  guys in the box is asking for one or both to whiff a block and blow your play up. Michigan's best formation is probably a shotgun 2-back system with Dileo or Funchess in the slot and Kerridge your superback. I'd even flip Funchess out to WR and run some bubbles on the assumption he can handle a cornerback. Get guys out of the box so you have fewer possible blown blocks that end up with you eating grass in the backfield. Lining up with two tight ends is a terrible idea right now.

It is going to keep happening all year.


[Passes are rated by how tough they are to catch. 0 == impossible. 1 == wow he caught that, 2 == moderate difficulty, 3 == routine. The 0/X in all passes marked zero is implied.]

Gallon4  4/5 12 8/915/17
Jackson     2  3/3
Reynolds2    20/11/12/2
Chesson 0/11/31/1 30/11/32/2
Dileo1 1/1  31/11/14/4
Norfleet     1  3/3
Funchess1  1/1 31/20/37/7
Butt   1/1 10/10/16/6
Toussaint   2/2 1  5/5
Houma        1/1

There is the migration from the two veterans to Chesson, who got five targets to Reynolds/Jackson's two. Unfortunately, Chesson showed his inexperience on his two deep targets; he should have been able to shield the corner off the ball on the first one and misjudged the second, possibly because he'd just been chewed out about shielding the ball earlier in the game. But he did get another nasty crackback block in. Chesson for tight end!

Reluctantly tsk-tsk Borges?

Yeah man you've got to be nuts to run out an I-Form big formation on first and twenty and run a stretch with these guys. And the Norfleet stuff…

…is unbelievably predictable. (As was lining up Funchess in the backfield for a wheel route, but I guess it worked.) He was in for one play in this game where he was not provided the ball. His first jet sweep was a success largely because UConn was badly misaligned, and now that it's in the books teams will be prepared for that. I'm hoping that Borges assumed these last two games would be blowouts in which he wouldn't have to show anything he hasn't put on film already.

I'm also getting peevish about Michigan running into stacked boxes. On Michigan's first play from scrimmage they come out in an I-Form big and shoot Funchess into a cornerback, leaving Michigan 7 on 8.5 in the box with predictable results despite the blocking being pretty much fine. No one accounts for the quarterback. It seems like we're back to the DeBord style in which Michigan does a bunch of low-upside stuff in which they lull you into a false sense of security before hitting the big waggle play; I prefer forcing the defense to account for a QB like Gardner consistently. It sucks to have to guess whether UConn will check your QB or ignore him.

At least they ran an identifiable counter play that worked. For five yards, but, hey, five yards.


Toussaint, says logical me. Gardner's legs, when not fumbling. Lewan and Glasgow and Schofield.

Maybe not so heroic.

Tight ends. Miller. And Chesson had a rough all around game.

What does it mean for Minnesota and the future?

It's time to make the change on the OL. Maybe it won't work but with such a clear hole you've got to try it. Time for ol' Bubblewrap Bryant to show out.

Michigan's tight ends still can't block. Not even a little bit. Maybe Butt, but I don't want to test that extensively.

Gardner wasn't as bad as it appeared, turnovers excluded. He got a ton of pressure and clearly lost confidence in his line, for good reason.

You can't exclude turnovers. The first fumble was loose handling of the ball on a QB sneak. Cumong man. Gardner's accuracy was the issue here; he needs to calm down and keep his mechanics going.

Toussaint does need to learn that he can only get what he can get when he's penned in. Hop cut in the hole: fine. Bounce: no bounces.

They want Chesson to emerge, but he's still raw. Losing Darboh is hurting right now.

Michigan needs to decide who they are instead of running the entire world of plays. I think they should be a spread offense that uses half a tight end instead of two, but I think we're stuck watching Michigan waddle aimlessly through every play in the book.

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