[Hit THE JUMP for a casual punt block, a ball with eyes, the Don Brown Shruggie, and much more.]
Long PBU.
Impressive Walker run.
Harbaugh peeved.
Hurst TFL & half-hearted belly rub.
McKeon wide open waggle TD.
Screen murder.
Poggi TD wsg MEAT.
10. Disputing Very Critical Call
Note the time. Greg Frey is fitting in quite well, it appears.
9. Ow
I don't think Ryan Brand was tall enough to get on that ride.
8. Chris Evans, Power Back
7. Euro-Step Punt Block
Perfectly descriptive GIF title blatantly ripped from this guy.
6. Straightforward Interception Return/Not-So-Straightforward Interception Return
First of all, this is an absolutely gorgeous play from David Long to drop off his man directly into the throwing window. Then he shows off some wheels (with a bonus open-field pancake from Aubrey Solomon):
Khaleke Hudson, meanwhile, took a more "TOUCHDOWN OR DEATH" approach to his interception return:
He'd still be running if nobody had blown a whistle.
5. Holy Roller
Splitting the wickets twice in that situation is remarkably improbable.
4. Gruff Shruggie
Honestly, this should win.
3. Another Good Call, Pep
The pre-snap motion here is just evil (play is slightly sped up so the pre-snap stuff would fit):
Harbaugh, once again, approves of Pep Hamilton's work:
2. Something Out Of Nothing
Full play:
Replay with Higdon focus:
(Wipes away tear.) That's my quarterback:
R2, triangle.
Just the triangle:
I've noticed a few comments about the low quality of some gifs when you download from the gfycat page. I found a workaround.
1. If you click any of the honorable mention links, you'll go right to the page you need. If you click on the gfycat embeds, they take you to a slightly different page, so you'll need to change the URL from gfycat.com/gifs/detail/[gif name] to gfycat.com/[gif name].
2. Click on the settings button in the lower right corner to bring up a number of options. This lets you set the quality of the gfycat, toy with the playback speed (highly recommended), play it in reverse, and download GIF versions. You'll want to hit "open large GIF format" because the small ones are of essentially unusable quality.
3. I haven't figured out a rhyme or reason to this, but sometimes that's all you need to do and sometimes that link just takes you back to the original gfycat. If the "open large GIF format" URL is thumbs.gfycat.com/[gif name]-max-14mb.gif, you're good to go.
4. The URL may just be gfycat.com/[gif name], however. If that's the case, simply copy and paste the gif name (the random three-word combination in the URL) and use the correct URL (thumbs.gfycat.com/[gif name]-max-14mb.gif) instead. Now you should be able to load the GIF, right-click, and save.