Thor: Ragnarok just came out. Justice League comes out later this month. Some people don't like "comic book movies" because they say they're too unrealistic. If you ever run into one of those people, show them this GIF and whisper "I've seen some things." Their argument is instantly invalid.
Was the offensive line tipping anything in this game?
“A little bit. We were able to get a read on a couple of the pass stances that they were showing. I think the biggest thing for that play is that I was able to see the running back go in motion, and once the running back goes in motion they didn’t really have any quarterback runs where they were using the quarterback to draw or anything. I just knew it was going to be a pass, so I sort of switched my stance to a little bit more of a pass stance and got off the ball as quick as I could.”
So it’s an opportunity for you to pin your ears back there on second down.
It was 2nd-and-12, so what were you expecting from them at that point?
“They were actually running the ball a little bit on their second and long drives. I think six was kind of their cut-off where they were passing the ball. Just expecting run first, but then once the running back went in motion was able to expect that was going to be a pass.”
What’s the first thing you noticed about the guard once the ball was snapped?
“Just leaning back and sort of getting into his pass set. That was kind of where I was, and then once I sort of engage the guy I was able to get control of his hands and sort of control the man. I think that was probably the reason I was able to bull him back is that I was able to get control of his hands and use my leverage against him and was able to knock him back into the quarterback.”
From a technique perspective, what was he trying to do to you?
“He was just setting back far. Probably a little more afraid of speed than power. Normally when guards set back really far they’re trying to protect themselves against speed, so doing that kind of leaves them vulnerable to power moves. So once he started leaning back his momentum’s going that way so it kind of just carried back towards him.”
Looked like he got a hand in your face. Were you able to tell that you had even gotten to the quarterback? Did you just keep bulling through him or did you know which direction to push?
“Yeah, I mean, I could see the quarterback but one of the things is I thought the quarterback was going to scramble out of it so I was just trying to bull him, and then once I saw the quarterback was still there I just sort of reached out for him and was able to get a sack on him.”