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Upon Further Review 2016: Defense vs Iowa



SPONSOR NOTES: Here is an article about a rate hike "relatively soon," and it's not from Macedonian teenagers. Those Macedonians teens, always with their incorrect news hijinks and saying WHAT ARE THOOOSE in Macedonian. Anyway, now is a good time to get a loan, and later will be a less good time.

In addition to being a gentleman replete with Michigan tickets, Matt is also a good man to know if you need a mortgage. It's striking that we actually get non-astroturfed comments about positive experiences with Matt not infrequently.

If you're buying a home or refinancing, he's the right guy to call.

FORMATION NOTES: Michigan may have had two "deep" safeties, but they were not very deep. This was MSU-level #disrespekt for Iowa's ability to punish Michigan over the top, and this was a relatively conservative safety deployment for M in this game.

tight safeties

One guy would generally bail while the other shot into the line of scrimmage. Michigan also used its safeties as SAM linebackers with some regularity. Here Peppers is over the slot and Thomas is tight to the LOS to the bottom of the shot:

4-3 even

Also sometimes I hate directors. This is a presnap shot on third and six.

are you fucking kdding me

There is more than the usual sprinkling of ??? in this chart because of things like this.

SUBSTITUTION NOTES: Massively reduced rotation. Save an injured Delano Hill the back seven got literally every snap, of which there were 68. Taco Charlton did not leave the field; Wormley only rested on four snaps; Glasgow got 50. Hurst and Godin split snaps about down the middle again; Hurst had a slight edge with 30 to Godin's 24.

Kinnel got 23 snaps as Hill's replacement. Spare parts included Mone(15 snaps), Gary (9), Winovich (3), Lavert Hill(6), and Brandon Watson(3).

[After THE JUMP: [very Kirk voice] WAAAAAAAADLEY]

LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O23110Offset I4-2-54-4 overPress one highRunN/ALead zoneGlasgow8
Odd start, as Hill lines up in the box and then bails deep, with Thomas coming up to add the extra guy back. Iowa split their TE out an extra yard or two and it looks like M spread their line in return, so there are some gaps; Glasgow(-2) overpenetrates and gets shoved way upfield out of the hole; lead blockers for both LBs at the LOS; LBs both get off blocks to tackle but there’s a lot of momentum downfield with Thomas(-0.5) unable to do much more than catch the back. Godin(-0.5) the other DT and was unable to have any impact or shut the hole down.
O3122I-Form twins4-2-54-3 even SAMPress two highRunN/ACounter pitchMcCray8
Fake FB dive to pitch with the LG pulling outside the LT as a lead blocker. Looks like Charlton and McCray(-2) are exchanging, which successfully gets the LT blocking nobody, but McCray doesn’t immediately book upfield as the force player and gets edged. Stribling does a reasonable job to fall off once his WR cracks and force it back, whereupon McCray is able to recover and tackle.
O39110Ace twins twin TE4-2-54-3 even SAMPress one highPass4SlantStribling9
Stribling(-1, cover -1) beat; he can’t impact the WR on the catch but does immediately tackle.
O4821 Ace 4-2-54-4 even SAMHalf press one highRunN/AInside zoneGlasgow2
Both LBs fire forward on this and threaten to split gaps, which causes doubles on both DTs to get aborted. Initial hits on both were sufficient to get just enough motion on the DTs for Wadley to pick his way for a couple yards and the first down. McCray(+1) hit his gap with authority and almost came around the edge to end this in the backfield; wish Gedeon(-0.5) did the same. DTs get pushes.
50110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 even Off one highPass5Post cornerHillInc
Safety swap with Thomas in a SAM-ish spot and Stribling overhanging. Pass; good pocket(pressure -2) since Iowa went max pro. This is basically a one man route with the other WR running a bubble with no blocker. WR runs what looks like a slant and then breaks vertically, drifting outside until he gets to the numbers. This is very open for obscure reasons. Could be Lewis needed to bail, could be Peppers needed to track that guy; could be Hill not getting over fast enough. I think it’s the latter. Hill -2, cover -2. Beathard throws it a tiny bit off and the ball goes through the WR’s hands.
50210Ace trips tight bunch4-2-54-3 even SAMHalf press one highRunN/ACrack sweepLewis-1
TE attempts to crack down on Wormley(+2). This goes about as well as the old dude rushing the field did. Wormley crumples that guy and flows. Godin(+1) got quick penetration and cut off a puller. Lewis(+1) flies upfield and forces it back at the hash, which is real good work. Gedeon(+1) takes an excellent path and makes contact well in the backfield, tackling with help from Wormley.
M49311Shotgun trips3-2-63-3 stackPress one highPass5ScrambleMcCray3
Both LBs sent; picked up but McCray(+1, pressure +1) is able to get around his blocker quickly enough to spook Beathard and force him to move up in the pocket. M left Peppers(+1, tackling +1) back to cover the RB and he comes up once he sees RB set up to block; he reads the movement and tracks the QB down, shoving him OOB after a minor gain.
Drive Notes: Punt, 0-0, 11 min 1st Q
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O35110Ace H4-2-54-4 over SAMPress one highRunN/ATrapMcCray0
Glasgow(+1) let go; FB attempts to trap him. Glasgow throws him to the ground and gets to the gap; McCray(+1) beats him there as he fires hard on the snap to ruin his blocker’s angle and hits Daniels; Daniels spins off. Glasgow there to help stop the RB, with Thomas(+0.5) filling unblocked to create a zero yard gain.
O35210Ace twin TE4-2-54-3 over SAMPress one highPass5FB circleHillInc
Glasgow(+1) swims through a double up the middle; Charlton(+1, pressure +2) avoids a cut and is coming from behind. Beathard has to dump it and does; Hill(+2, cover +2) has a pretty easy job mirroring a fullback on a double move and does so for a PBU.
O35310Shotgun 4-wide4-2-5Nickel evenPress one highPass5Tunnel screenLewis1
Timing isn’t quite right for Iowa so Lewis(+2, cover +1) can avoid a cut block and get to the WR to tackle from behind; even if this does not happen M recognizes this much better this week and Glasgow(+1) is running to crush this play anyway.
Drive Notes: Not Quite Punt, 0-0, 7 min 1st Q
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O25110Ace twin TE4-2-54-4 overPress one highRunN/AJet sweepWormley-1
Worst playcall of the night from Iowa as they do their super predictable Wadley jet sweep and Wormley(+2) eats it in the backfield. RPS +2.
O24211Ace trips tight bunch4-2-54-4 overPress one highRunN/ALead zoneHurst0
M send a blitz backside and Hurst(+1) gets over the top of an OL trying to zone him. Iowa FB does a great job to recognize and pick Gedeon up but since Hurst wins there’s no gap. Mone(+0.5) spun back to the play to help tackle; Thomas(+0.5) ran up to blunt the back’s momentum.
O25310Shotgun trips3-2-6OkiePress one highPass6FadeWatsonInc
This ball is a prayer in the direction of a WR as Beathard gets crushed and almost a heroic back shoulder throw on a guy that Watson is in reasonable coverage on. Beathard can’t make it work. Winovich(+1) and Wormley(+1, pressure +2) were both coming through to force this throw.
Drive Notes: Punt, 3–0, 2 min 1st Q. M has the back to back running into the kicker penalties, the second totally bogus, to give Iowa another drive.
O35110Ace 4-2-54-4 over SAMPress one highRunN/APin and pullGedeon7
The first Wadley spin cycle run. This looks like Gedeon’s issue but it’s also Charlton(-1), who is effectively blocked by the TE to give Wadley the space to spin past Gedeon(-1), who dodged a cut block ably. Gedeon ends up overrunning and getting spin through(tackling -1) as well. Peppers(+0.5) cleans up from behind.
O4223Ace H4-2-54-3 over SAMPress two highRunN/ATrapHurst1
They try to trap Mone(+0.5) and may have but he pushes the FB enough that the back avoids the intended hole. Hurst(+1) reads this and gets off a block to hit the back at the LOS.
O4332I-Form Big4-2-54-5 evenPress one highRunN/AIsoMone3
Mone(-0.5) effectively doubled and McCray(-0.5) eats a block, going backwards, so there’s enough of a gap for the RB to hit for the first down. Charlton(-0.5) similarly unable to make a play. Wormley(+1) dove inside and grabbed the back at the LOS so if there’s support here it’s a stop.
O46110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress two highRunN/ALead zonePeppers22
Glasgow is firing hard playside to cut off the front gaps like this is a goal-line play, and I guess he does that. FB does a good job to cut behind this into Gedeon and stand him up. Too quick for Gedeon to do much. Godin(-1) effectively single blocked and this creates the crease. Peppers(-3, tackling -3) is help for Gedeon and takes a conservative tack, getting cut behind. It’s one thing if he misses a tackle and slows the guy and he picks up 7; instead he airballs and Wadley gets a chunk.
M32110I-Form 4-2-54-4 over SAMPress one highRunN/AInside zoneGlasgow3
Wormley moves to DT here with Gary at SDE. Glasgow(+0.5) and Wormley(+0.5) both win blocks and force a cutback that is moderately successful as Thomas is less aggressive than he could be.
M2927Ace twin TE4-2-54-4 overHalf press one highRunN/AInside zoneGary3
Jet sweep lookin’ formation and the fake duly comes. Gary(+1) is supposed to get fooled by this and does not; cutback comes as the rest of the D plugs the middle and Gary tackles; RB falls forward.
M2634Shotgun trips tight bunch3-2-63-2 dimeHalf press two highPass5SackMcCray-2
McCray(+2, pressure +3) times his blitz excellently and gives the LG a near impossible task; he drives to the QB and forces him up in the pocket, whereupon Charlton(+1) fights back underneath to finish the job. RPS +1.
Drive Notes: Missed FG(45), 3-0, 13 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O20110Ace twins H4-2-54-4 over SAMPress one highRunN/ALead zoneGlasgow16
M creased up the middle. Glasgow(-2) blown out big time. Disappointing. Wormley ends up on his knees but that’s not his fault; Gedeon(-1) blitzed behind him and was too close, tripping his own man. Thomas(-1, tackling -1) tries to fill and gets run over. Hill(-1, tackling -1) gets run over. Gah.
O36110Ace twins twin TE4-2-54-3 over SAMPress one highPass4PA slantStriblingInc
Handfighting on the slant, which is again basically the only route. WR is trying to push off and Stribling is grabbing the arm he’s trying to push off with. Stribling(+2, cover +2) ends up in great position and PBUs.
O36210Ace 3-wide3-2-63-3 stackPress one highRunN/AInside zoneCharlton8
Glasgow(+1) slants away and gets under the RG he ends up diving at the back in the backfield and cannot make the tackle but if he gets any help he might. No help, though. Not entirely sure what assignments are but I think both Charlton(-2) and McCray(-2) mess up assignments. Charlton keeps contain instead of slanting along with Glasgow; it looks like M is using Peppers, who was two yards behind the LB level, as the guy who cleans up on the edge after a forced bounce. McCray meanwhile steps the wrong way on the snap and gets blocked on the second level; Gedeon had the same thing happen but if McCray hits this right his guy should be waving at him as he passes by. Gary(+1) almost makes a spectacular play after running over the backside tackle, but cannot.
O4432I-Form Big twin TE4-2-54-5 over SAMPress zeroRunN/APower OGary0
Hill(+1) on the edge; he gets under the FB’s kickout block and shoves him backwards, getting upfield and containing; this constricts space. Gary(+3) makes a ridiculous play to throw away a tight end and then change direction in a flash to get out on this and tackle for zilch. Gedeon and Lewis there to probably stop this if Gary doesn’t kill it before they arrive.
Drive Notes: Punt, 10-0, 7 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O31110I-Form 4-2-54-3 over Press two highPass5PA RB seamThomasInc
Comfortable pocket; Hill threatens a little bit late but not really. (Pressure -2.) More Wadley as Iowa tries to clear out the CBs to one side and then hit him over the top out of the backfield. Throw is way long and Thomas(+1, cover +1) is step for step. Would have had to been in a tiny window to work.
O31210I-Form 4-2-54-4 over SAMPress one highRunN/ASplit zoneHurst2
Refs(-1) miss a WR false start. M also moves early but not across the line; they recover. Wormley(+1) and Hurst(+1) both beat blocks to show up in the backfield and force a cutback. Charlton(+0.5) dodged a force block and Glasgow(+0.5) stood up to a double so those guys can converge.
O3338Shotgun trips3-2-63-3 stackPress one highPass5ThrowawayGedeonInc
Pocket gets real tight real fast as Charlton(+0.5), Wormley(+0.5), and Gedeon(+1) drive the pocket, with Gedeon’s shove on the RB bumping Beathard and convincing him to roll out. Peppers(+1, pressure +2) is containing; he’s out in a flash to hit Beathard on the throw. Throw flutters to the turf. Coverage(+1) good for a beat at the start.
Drive Notes: Punt, 10-2, 5 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O48110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 even SAMPress two highRunN/ALead zoneCharlton0
Exchange from Charlton(+2) and McCray(+0.5) gets Taco in the gap just after the FB passes; Taco blasts the OL back and jams up the middle. McCray and Wormley(+0.5) there to clean up. Mone(+1) also slanted way into the backfield to prevent frontside options from working. RPS +1.
O48210Shotgun trips TE4-2-5Nickel evenPress two highPass5AngleMcCray28
McCray(-3, cover -3) in space against Wadley and while that projects to go badly, Wormley(+1) chips the back specifically to help his buddy out and McCray still gets beat so badly he can’t even attempt a tackle. Pressure -1; relatively comfortable on a quick throw.
M24110Shotgun trips TE4-2-5Nickel overPress one highPass4ScreenGedeon7 + 8 Pen
Wormley(+1) gets out on this and forces it back inside at the numbers, which allows Gedeon(-2, tackling -2) a free run; his tackle attempt at the LOS is spun through. Peppers(+0.5) dodged a block and is next;Wadley spins through that tackle again but Peppers holds on. Spin still gave up some YAC. Mone(-2) gets a PF afterwards.
M91GAce H twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress one highRunN/ATrapHurst1
Hurst(+1) and Wormley(+1) both rip through their blockers. Hurst is close to a big play but ends up falling so he can’t tackle in the backfield; he still forced a bounce from the RB. Glasgow(+1) was being trapped; he runs over the FB. Wormley and Glasgow combine to tackle with some help from Gedeon.
M82GShotgun trips 3-2-63-3 stackPress one highPass4Rollout outLewis5
America’s rollout out; ball arrives just ahead of Lewis(+1, cover +1), who blasts an airborne WR and punches at the ball; WR manages to hold on because that’s just how this game went.
M3 3GShotgun 3-wide3-2-63-3 stackPress one highPass5FadeStriblingInc
Stribling(+2, cover +2) never lets his guy get off the LOS, his jam is so comprehensive. Beathard just airmails it. Check Glasgow(+1) grabbing Wadley, as well.
M3 4GShotgun 3-wide4-2-5Okie Press zeroPass5DumpoffMcCray3
Three problems on the TD. McCray(-1, cover -1) does not immediately bail for the back. Hurst(-1, cover -1) does not whack, hit, grab, or otherwise impede him like Glasgow and Wormley have done before. And McCray gets held(refs -2) as he tries to disengage.
M3 2PT2PTShotgun trips TE4-2-54-3 underPress zeroPass5SlantN/AInc
M goes straight man against a bunch and gets Thomas picked off(cover -2, RPS -2); not OPI and nothing Thomas can do. Guy is wide open and just drops it. Possible there’s a bust here and someone is supposed to be in a zone here but it doesn’t look like it.
Drive Notes: Touchdown(misssed 2PT), 10-8, 1 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
M43110Ace 3-wide4-2-5Nickel overPress two highRunN/AReverseMcCray8
This should get little or nothing as Wormley(+1) appropriately bails and goes to the edge at all costs, giving ground to do so. He cuts the WR off and forces him to slow up; he forces it back; McCray(-2) overruns the play. Thomas(-1) does little better.
M3522Ace 4-2-54-4 over SAMPress one highRunN/AInside zoneGodin0
Godin(+1) fires his guy in the backfield; Wormley(+1) does something similar with a partial double. Gedeon(+0.5) scrapes to the gap outside and back just runs up the back of his blockers for nothing.
M3532I-Form Big4-2-54-4 overPress one highRunN/ALead zoneGodin1
M late getting lined up but still gets this, with Godin(+2) getting across the face of a G who has a great angle to block him and getting to the gap up the gut. He manages to tackle from his knees. McCray(+1) picked his way to the fullback and hits him back into the RB to help.
M3441 I-Form Big4-2-5Goal linePress zeroRunN/AQB sneakN/A2
M loads up the center and would have this stoned but Beathard reads that and manages to sneak outside the pinched DL and over Hill for the first down, with the fullback basically tackling him forward across the line to gain.
M32110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 underOff one highRunN/ACounter zoneStribling12
Looks like split zone but the handoff is to the nominal backside of the play and this is a designed cutback all the way. M’s safety swap backfires as Stribling is in an overhang position and is unblocked. Stribling(-2, tackling -2) sits there as the play develops and gets easily juked; an actual safety likely runs up at this and hits it near the LOS. Peppers peels back to tackle and barely gets the guy down. Stribling’s backing out well after this is obviously a run against a team that is avoiding passes at all costs; really frustrating.
M20110I-Form 4-2-54-3 even SAMPress two highRunN/ASplit zoneGlasgow12
Glasgow(-2) does not make good on the playcall, which has both LBs shooting backside and M slanting hard to the play. He drives and then stops; Gedeon’s got an OL blocking air and is in the gap that Glasgow’s stop apparently checks; this whole D is built on forcing the back into the LB heavy backside. Instead Wadley through to no second level; Thomas(-1, tackling -1) whiffs to hold it down short of the sticks.
M81GAce trips tight bunch4-2-54-3 over Press one highRunN/AIsoGedeon4
Glasgow(-1) blown out by a double and manages to recover somewhat but there’s a gap directly up the gut. Godin(-1) controlled by a single block and irrelevant. Absence of Hurst questionable. Gedeon(+2) hammers the FB lead block and gets off it to get an authoritative tackle that prevents a TD.
M4 2GAce trips tight bunch4-2-54-5 over SAMPress zeroPassN/AWaggle sackHill-3
Exemplary coverage(+3) as Thomas, Lewis, and Peppers(+1 each) all blanket their guys despite this being the first pass of the drive. Hill(+1, tackling +1) is free and gets edge pressure, sacking the QB as he tries to take off for what he can get.
M73GAce trips 4-2-5Nickel evenOff two highPass4ThrowawayGlasgowInc
Glasgow(+1) dismisses a guy and presses up the middle; Hurst(+1) stunts around and gets pressure from the edge. Beathard bugs out. McCray(+0.5) there to contain; Beathard turfs a ball in the general direction of an escaping RB. Pressure +2.
Drive Notes: FG(24), 10-11, 10 min 3rd Q
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O15110Shotgun trips TE4-2-5Nickel evenOff two highRunN/AOutside zoneThomas1
Not even a hint of a zone read so M is free to collapse on the back. Charlton(+1) drives his guy inside and induces a cutback to Thomas(+1), who dives at Wadley and gets a tackle(+1). Wadley is able to dive forward for a couple.
O1629Ace 3-wide4-2-54-3 even SAMPress one highRunN/AInside zoneHurst3
Hurst(+1) flows down the line and tackles; Mone(+1) took on a double and won it; McCray was sitting in the playside hole to induce a cutback.
O1936Shotgun trips3-2-6Okie???Pass4SackWinovich-6
Excellent coverage(+3) as Lewis, Stribling, and Gedeon(+1 each) all blanket routes. Beathard bugs out but Winovich(+2, pressure +1) is around the corner and sacks just after he decides to leave the pocket.
Drive Notes: Punt, 10-11, 6 min 3rd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O20110I-Form twins4-2-530 nickel slide???RunN/AOutside zoneWormley4
Iowa sees this wide three man line and checks to a stretch. Wormley(+1) drives his man back and then fights back inside to cut off most of the available space. Gedeon(+1) hit and coped with a free releasing G, getting off of that guy to tackle. RPS -1; this was two good plays to hold something down to four yards.
O2426I-Form twins4-2-54-3 underPress one highRunN/AEdge pitchCharlton5
M trying to get tricky and it doesn’t go well for them. Kinnel takes a step or two to the LOS and then bails for a deep zone; prior to this he was in perfect position to handle an outside pitch. Lewis(+1) comes up to force it in at the hash again but Charlton(-2) bit very hard on the interior motion and can’t get out to the POA despite the excellent contain. Mone(+0.5) does an impressive job to clean up after a few yards; his tackle is almost run through, giving up a chunk of YAC. RPS -1.
O2931 I-Form Big4-2-54-4 underPress one highRunN/AQB sneakN/A2
This is third and inches; M just about stacks this up. It looks like Beathard does get it just over the line. He gets a spot that’s a half-yard generous.
O31110Ace H4-2-54-3 over ???RunN/ATrapGodin8
No idea how this happens but Peppers is at ILB and McCray over the slot. Iowa traps and gets a big hole up the middle as Godin(-2) thinks it’s IZ and is fighting to not get creased in the wrong direction. Mone(-1) stood up by the fullback. Peppers(-1) eats a block, as he tends to when stuck out of position. Gedeon(+2) in a brutally difficult spot; he throws away his blocker and tackles with some help from Thomas. RPS -1.
O3922I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAM???RunN/ASplit zoneGodin6
M has a run blitz on that sends Mone and Charlton outside as Gedeon tries to fill. Godin(-1) and Mone(-1) handled one on one; crease directly up the gut. Gedeon(-1) can’t do anything with the OL this time and gives ground; Stribling(+1, tackling +1), who lined up at six yards, is able to cut Wadley down before he hits the open field.
O45110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over Press two highRunN/AIsoMcCray1
Michigan has just about had it with the backup DTs and puts Glasgow and Hurst in. They aren’t relevant to this play. McCray(+1) blitzes, stands up an OL, and sheds him to the hole. Kinnel(+1) is inserting into the box and comes down hard, thunking Wadley at the LOS. Gedeon(+1) ran right through the FB; those three guys meet at the back.
O4629I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress two highPass4PA sackWormley-12
Stribling(+1, cover +1) mirrors an attempted double move; this is literally their only route. Beathard hesistates and Wormley(+3, pressure +2) goes from run D mode to pass rush in a flash, surging directly up the center of the line faster than I thought he could move. He is in the process of sacking Beathard when Beathard chucks it at nobody, drawing a grounding flag.
O34321Shotgun trips4-2-5Nickel evenPress two highRunN/AShovel delayHurst6
A give up and punt; McCray(+1) reads it and gets over the top of his intended blocker, forcing a cutback. Hurst(+2) is agile enough to turn around and tackle once that cut is made. This only saves a few yards, probably, but with Wadley in space I am very happy to see a tackle from behind.
Drive Notes: Punt, 10-11, EO3Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O22110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress two highRunN/ACounter zonePeppers5
Looks like IZ, supposed to go to the backside, where Peppers takes on a lead block from the fullback. Peppers(-1) hesitates and takes the block, getting edged. Kinnel was coming up unblocked to tackle near the LOS if Peppers can keep it contained. He does get off that block and force Wadley out after five yards, so not the worst.
O2725I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over Press one highPass4PA slantMcCrayInc
PA suckers the entire Michigan front; not really sure who is supposed to be dropping back here but I think it’s got to be the ILBs. WR wide open (cover -2), though Stribling can tackle on the catch. There is no catch, as the ball is a bit high and clangs off the fingers of the WR. Gedeon and McCray(-1 each) never read pass and both are stuck at the LOS when the ball is thrown.
O2735Shotgun 3-wide3-2-6OkiePress one highPass4ThrowawayCharltonInc
Charlton(+3, pressure +3) around the corner in a flash and hits just after a throw that’s probably an intentional throwaway since Stribling(+1, cover +1) was in excellent position on a fly route.
Drive Notes: Punt, 13-11, 8 min 4th Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O25110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress one highRunN/AEdge pitchMcCray5
This is the third time M has seen this and McCray(-1) is still late to read this. Charlton(+1) drives his man back and forces the lead blocker to bend around so it’s really just who can run faster to the sideline. Wadley can.
O3025I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress one highRunN/ACounter zoneStribling4
Thomas lined up at SAM here and gets the same play they just ran on the last drive. He contains. He gets blown out a bit, but he contains. Stribling(-1, tackling -1) is not hitting this gap hard, or at all, and it’s fortunate that Hurst(+1) has fought off a double and gets to this to prevent Wadley from making a move.
O3431 Goal line4-2-54-5 over SAMOff zeroRunN/AQB sneakN/A2
Another nearly jammed play and a generous spot.
O36110Offset I Big4-2-54-4 overPress zeroRunN/ACrack sweepCharlton10
Charlton(-2) and McCray(-2) both fire upfield on the snap with no awareness this is very much a sweep setup despite M running this all the time. Lewis(+1) falls off and picks off a lead blocker to force it back early but there’s no support so that’s for naught. Gedeon held and ripped back inside(refs -2); Thomas(+1) does a good job to take on a blocker and force the ball OOB.
O46110I-Form 4-2-54-4 even SAMPress one highPass5FlyCharltonINT
Charlton(+2, pressure +2) slants inside, running over a tight end and coming directly up the pocket. He hits Beathard on the throw, which leaves the ball short; Stribling(+2, cover +2) comes over to pick it off.
Drive Notes: Interception, 13-11, 2 min 4th Q.
LnDnDsO FormD PackFrontCover lookTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
M36110Shotgun trips TE4-2-54-3 even Press one highPass4ScreenPeppers10
I have no idea what Peppers(-2, cover -2) thinks he’s doing; he starts bailing to the center of the field when he’s got nobody outside of him and two eligible receivers lined up to his side. TE goes in, he bugs out, and Akrum f-ing Wadley is wide open. The entire Iowa offense. Worst part is that the OL was way late getting out and Peppers would have had an opportunity to blast Wadley on the catch.
M26110I-Form twins4-2-54-3 over SAMPress two highRunN/ASplit zoneHurst2
Hurst(+1) jets through the line so fast I don’t even know if the C can help the LG. He can’t tackle but does delay Wadley; Glasgow(+1) dismisses an OL and flows down the line to tackle with help from Thomas(+0.5), who took advantage of the induced delay.
M2428Ace 3-wide4-2-54-3 over SAMPress one highRunN/AInside zoneCharlton0
Michigan secondary deeply confused here all because Iowa lines up three wide. Doesn’t matter as it’s a run; Charlton(+2)dives inside and takes on a brief double; he drives the OL back and opens up a window for Gedeon(+1), who is relocating as M blitzes McCray and shows up in the hole unblocked. RPS +1.
M2438Shotgun trips4-2-54-3 over Press one highRunN/AQB drawN/A8
How on earth you don’t go zero here and blitz every gap is a total mystery. They have no passing yards and this is currently a 40 yard field goal. Every yard is precious. M goes full on pass rush here and gets split up the middle; Beathard is easily down a yard short but the refs(-3) rob Michigan of a chance to respond. RPS -2.
Drive Notes: FG(33), 13-14, EOG.

How on earth did they win this game?

Mostly because of Michigan's offense.

Yeah, but they did acquire 12 points.

You are disappointed by this defensive output?

I mean... kind of?

That's absurd, but it is true that Michigan's defense could have done a hair better and won this game.

So not absurd.

If we're assigning blame for this loss about 2% goes on the defense, so yes, absurd. But there are more minuses on this chart than there have been in recent weeks, as Iowa did something no Michigan opponent has been able to do all year: put together some drives.

[NOTE: PFF grading works out differently than mine. In UFR zero is bad for DL; it's average in PFF. Their scale seems to be about a third or a half of mine. PFF has a "penalty" section that I've elected to omit for space's sake, which is why the individual components might not add up to the "overall." number. I'll note when it's a big discrepancy.]

DLUFR gradePFF grade 
Wormley6417 173.40 3.7
Glasgow509720.50.1 0.7
Hurst3010193.40.1 3.6
Charlton68127. 1.2
Gary95 50-0.1 -0.1
Mone152.54.5-20-0.1 -1.1-1 from PFF for a late hit.
Godin2445.5 -1.50.2-0.2 0
Winovich333 00.7 0.8Got a sack in three snaps.
TOTAL 62.525.537    Still a significant win but many more negatives than usual
LBUFR gradePFF grade 
Peppers6846-2- am disappoint, more later.
McCray688.514.5-61.20.4-0.70.9Don't get that run grade.
Gedeon6810.56.5 4-1.9-0.60.2-2.2Same.
TOTAL 2327-4    Edge and RB coverage.
DBUFR gradePFF grade 
Lewis68880.9 1.01.9Avoided; never let anyone open, good against run.
Stribling68104 6 - in coverage, and repeatedly tested one on one.
D. Hill45431-0.10.4 1.21.6
Watson3 20 -0.5-0.5
Kinnel23110.9 0.11.0Thundered into the box on one notable play.
L. Hill6    0.10.1
TOTAL 28.510.518     
Pressure 175+12Hammering.
Coverage 2214+8Again, big dichotomy between LB and DB coverage.
Tackling 412-8Waaaaadley.
RPS 47-3Don't get the approach on the last play.

That's a win for the defense against almost everything.

You will not lose many games when the opposition has 66 passing yards. 66 yards is impressive enough. 21 of those came on three screens. The remaining completions are a 9-yard slant against Stribling, one instance of America's Rollout Out on which Lewis hammered the WR on the catch, and the angle route and dumpoff TD to Wadley.

Iowa missed two opportunities to hit open receivers, one for about 20 yards on their opening drive, one for about 15 on a play action slant. That and the slant were literally the only open receivers—as opposed to running backs—Iowa had all day. This was a comprehensive domination by the pass rush and the secondary. More or less every pass was a variant of this one:

Beathard throws because he's about to be destroyed and Michigan gets a PBU.

Check the coverage on this Winovich sack. Stribling disrupts his guy's route so badly that it no longer exists; Gedeon drops into the TE crossing route Greg Davis loves so and erases that; Thomas in good position on a deeper crossing route that is reaching an area of heavy LB zones:

This was almost every play. If this game goes a bit differently and Iowa is forced to start throwing the ball because they're down two or three scores, the floodgates open. Alas.

In an effort to get any sort of pass off, Iowa had a bunch of plays on which they went max protection and left one of their WRs at the LOS. This was an effort to isolate Stribling and win one on one. That worked once. It did not work again.

It really, really did not work most of the time.

In addition to not having anyone open, any dropback was a gamble that Beathard would make a good decision with someone bearing down on his ribs. Per PFF, Beathard was pressured on 50% of his dropbacks, and when he tried to go more than a few yards downfield that number was probably closer to 100% than 50. Chris Fowler saying that Michigan "has not hit Beathard as much tonight as they'd hoped to" an instant before Charlton warped around the right tackle and induced a prayer was not a Great Moment In Play By Play Announcing:

Iowa approached this game like passing was poison and they were right to do so.

Those Wadley plays were kind of important, though.

McCray versus Wadley went about like you would expect, unfortunately. Credit to Don Brown for anticipating this and directing his linemen to bash Wadley over rushing the passer. On the 28-yard gain on a nothing pass that set up the Iowa TD, Wormley suddenly aborts his rush to hit Wadley. He does so, and yet:

Woof. We are have reached "it is what it is" with Michigan's linebackers in man coverage.

Bashing Wadley out of the backfield was something Michigan tried to do most of the night:

So that touchdown is only partially on McCray. I think he needs to bail out before the OL can latch onto him, but 1) the OL holds him without a call and 2) Hurst needs to hit Wadley instead of run by him:

If Hurst disrupts Wadley, Michigan likely gets a sack and a win.



well maybe a tiny bit

but mostly no

can i tell you the thing that disappoints me


So Iowa starts their final drive with a screen to Wadley. Wadley is their offense. Wadley literally has 75% of their yards in this game. Nobody covers Wadley out of the backfield.  I can only assume this is a terribly depressing Peppers bust:

The worst bit is Iowa is super-late getting out so a Peppers that is covering Wadley blows this up on the catch, and Iowa is now in second and 12 with zero passing game.

So... yeah, that sucks.

They could run on us some.

Yeah. About half of this was Wadley getting his proper share of work because Kirk Ferentz is his best Kirk Ferentz when he coaches against Michigan. This guy is receiving fewer than half of Iowa's carries:

Good job, Kirk.

The rest of it was a hodge-podge of things. Two stood out as consistent issues. One: more edge stuff. McCray was flanked repeatedly. On this early pitchout McCray is exchanging with Charlton and hesitates to the inside:

He did this against Maryland on an even bigger gain so I guess this is some progress; the consistency with which opponents get solid gains on the outside rankles more every week. A crack sweep came with extra rankle because Michigan runs it all the damn time and yet McCray again gets cracked down on because he doesn't look at his blocker; he seems to have no idea the ball's going outside despite Iowa lining up in a formation that causes him to widen out in case there's a sweep:

Charlton is also culpable there but his edge issues have been occasional, not consistent.

The second consistent issue: Michigan's backup DTs are not nearly as good as Glasgow and Hurst. Iowa ran a number of trap plays in this game; Glasgow obliterated any fullback or tight end who dared wham him. Mone not so much:

The play after that both backup DTs got handled one on one on a six-yard split zone and Michigan yanked them from the game.

The starters were gashed! Alarms! Klaxons! And the like!

We are incredibly spoiled so things like "only two DL having monster games" feels like a problem. It is true that this was a step back for the line as a whole; it was a step back from the 1970s Pittsburgh Steelers to merely excellent.

Wormley has not featured much in this column this year because he's an established player who is good but not often spectacular. I'll post a clip or two to remind folks that he's quite good and move on. This game demands something a bit more extensive, because he was rampant. Of all the Chris-Wormley-versus-tight-end events I've seen over the past few years, this is the most emphatic:

His sack saw him go from defending the run to attacking the quarterback like a much smaller person.

He's been somewhat quiet the last few games mostly because the opposition is trying to avoid testing the line in the run game and he's not the kind of guy who's going to get a ton of flashy pass rush, the above clip notwithstanding. Even on that play where it looked like he was the culprit because he went to his knees that wasn't his fault but rather Gedeon's. He crushed everything in front of him.

Glasgow had a number of bad moments—he overpenetrated on Iowa's first play and got blown out big time on a Daniels carry up the gut. Worse was a big Wadley run where it looks like Glasgow has beat his guy and will either tackle or force it back into many persons; Glasgow holds up, and that's the crease:

He absolutely has that stoned until he stops of his own volition. I dunno man. This was not a game up to his usual standards. Barely edging above zero is not great for a DL.

Charlton was in a similar boat. He was a menace whenever Iowa dropped back to pass. His ability to go from run D to all-out QB assault got Michigan a nearly-sealing interception.

On the downside, he had three separate instances where I gave him –2 because he messed up an assignment or got flanked. Still more good than bad.

Hurst did not have any problems except a lack of snaps. Hurst is the starting 3-tech, if you're going by playing time in the fourth quarter. He is the backup if we're talking about the first snap.  I am at a loss to explain why Michigan continue to split snaps down the middle with Godin, who's fine. Hurst is not fine. Hurst is killing it.

Godin had the occasional play in this vein. He was the main force on a third and short stop in the third quarter; he was also contained much more frequently and effectively than Hurst. This kind of flow down the line was common from Hurst and rare from Godin:

Michigan went with Hurst in crunch time almost exclusively and he still barely edged out Godin in snaps.

Where's Gary? Nine snaps?

Yeah, I dunno. He did something ridiculous on one of them:

I'm not going to criticize the coaching staff too much for not playing a true freshman when they've got Charlton and Wormley on the ends, especially in a slow game. Possible that I missed something that PFF and the coaches both noticed.

You seem to have a major disagreement with PFF about the linebackers.

I do. I'm not sure what they saw in Gedeon's performance that I didn't. This was the second straight week I thought Gedeon did very well after a poor game against MSU; PFF has whipsawed from "real bad" to "real good" to "bad".

Gedeon has made out much better in this new era of teams going to the edge all the damn time. His ability to read and flow through traffic almost always gets him to the spot he needs to be. There's a reason it's always McCray chasing stuff outside: opponents are trying to set it up so that he's the main edge defender. Gedeon's also capable of mansome moments on the interior. He hasn't had to take on many blocks from guys releasing free this year, but he did when the backup DTs were in and mitigated damage impressively:


He had some issues, like any linebacker does. I still think he's clearly Michigan's top ILB and tracking towards the NFL draft.

McCray's weakness on the edge has been much discussed. Despite that issue he is also turning in enough positive plays to hover at or above even, depending on the game and grading system. (Not so much in this one for me, but this is an outlier.) He brings a load; he reacts well; he is an excellent blitzer.

Here he has the beef to get through a block from the side without leaving the hole:

He can't tackle but the ability to get a hit in is the prime motivator for an unsuccessful run. He's a good player with an obvious vulnerability.  I expect Michigan will slide him to MLB next year and have Bush do all the edge stuff. For now, it's just about getting better as we go along here.

I got mad at Stribling a couple times. Yes/no?

Yeah... Stribling was still dodgy as a run defender. He's five yards from the LOS on this play and he bails out despite an OL releasing well downfield with Iowa on their fifth straight run, on first and ten, on a night where Iowa was avoiding passing at all costs. The defense is set up with Stribling as a free hitter, and then:

Whatever his key is, it is obviously blocking well before he steps back. He does contain, I guess, but this should have been a Michigan DB slashing Wadley down in the hole. It is not.

More pleasantly, Tyree Kinnel had a second straight game with an impressive play against the run. He's tasked with being the extra guy in the box on this play and beats a crackback block to help the linebackers tackle:

That's the second straight week he's had a Kovacs play.

What about that three man line stuff?

It didn't appear much because Michigan was playing a pro-style team; when it did it didn't quite work out. This was an interesting play to me because Michigan lined up Peppers as a super-deep MLB and it looks like his job is to be the force player on either side of the line. He doesn't get to execute that assignment because Charlton doesn't fight inside:

If Charlton rips inside his blocker that RB is bouncing into Peppers on the edge and that's a very good thing for Michigan. I have a visceral negative reaction to Michigan's three-man lines when I watch them live; on review it usually seems like Michigan had a good idea and they didn't execute it right.


Wormley and Hurst were dominant. Lewis and Stribling were impeccable in coverage, and Lewis added various positive plays in the run game.

Maybe not so heroic?

That Peppers bust on the Wadley screen is super depressing. McCray's inability to keep up on the edge or in the pass game was a a major factor in Iowa scoring any points. Glasgow did not have a game up to his standards.

What does it mean for Indiana and the future?

Hurst for all the snaps. I mean, not all the snaps. All the snaps he can reasonably acquire, and early ones. Better play early means fewer plays to defend and fresher legs late.

Shine is off the DL depth. The backup DEs barely played and the backup DTs both ended up in the red. Michigan does not have two starting DLs. On the other hand, I would not read much of anything into off games from Glasgow and to a lesser extent Charlton.

Tyree Kinnel is going to be just fine next year. I mean, probably. He has the look of an excellent run support safety. Coverage hasn't been tested yet but he was supposed to be a CB/S combo out of high school; if anything the Kovacs stuff was supposed to be a hole in his game. If that isn't the case Michigan shouldn't miss a beat at one of the safety spots.

McCray, edge, coverage, etc. It's a thing. No denying it now.

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