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Upon Further Review: Offense vs OSU


SPONSOR NOTES: Again, chances of this existing without Matt are somewhat less. I like to think this would be a thing in the world without the prod from Homesure Lending, but you never know. Matt's sponsoring another Football Eve this year, albeit on Thursday so it's Football Eve Eve. September 1st, 7:30, Ashley's, first beer's on him.

[UPDATE: We've moved it to WOLVERINE STATE BREWING at 2019 West Stadium to accomodate more people]

Matt's got a ticket offer going for a Michigan football or basketball game. If you're buying a home or refinancing, he's the right guy to call. (No pants required.)

FORMATION NOTES: I'm ready to give up on naming these things. A couple of attempts to clarify the lingo below:

ace quads

This was a Peppers sweep to all the dudes. Michigan has six OL in the game and Cole is in a two point stance to the bottom of the line. This was "ace quad tight bunch" even though that doesn't encapsulate all the weirdness.

Here Michigan has two TEs and two WRs on the field, with Butt lined up in a two point stance and Chesson an inline TE:

ace twin TE WR hide

I'm calling this "WR hide." If you see it below there's an "inline TE" named Darboh or Chesson or both.

SUBSTITUTION NOTES: Rudock, starting OL, and the starting WRs the whole way. Isaac did not play and Drake Johnson was limited to scattered snaps as Smith and Peppers took the large bulk of the RB snaps. Peppers also lined up in the slot, at H-back and as a wildcat QB. AJ Williams didn't get much time.

[After THE JUMP: one very big problem M tried to work around.]

Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M21 1 10 Ace twins twin TE 1 2 2 4-3 over press Pass PA TE wheel Butt Inc
Butt first gets chipped by a DE and then engaged by a linebacker who carries him vertical. Butt swipes past the guy and gets inside position; dude wraps his arm around Butt’s waist and uses that leverage to get over the top of a well thrown ball for a PBU. Obvious PI, no call. (CA, 0, protection 2/2, refs -2)
M21 2 10 Offset I 2 1 2 4-3 over Run FB trap Houma 3
Peppers the tailback. Chesson comes in to threaten an end-around presnap; M hands it up the gut to Houma. This is just about blocked effectively but Houma(-1) ends up tripping over Braden as OSU makes the hole just small enough for this to be a possibility. Mags(+0.5) and Kalis(+0.5) had both gotten effective second level blocks after releasing clean; Glasgow(-0.5) did get fired back a bit to constrict that space. Braden(+0.5) did stalemate his guy.
M24 3 7 Ace 4-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Drag Peppers 12
Peppers in the slot, running a drag across zone coverage. Butt runs a route to the sticks further inside that grabs the attention of the relevant linebacker long enough for Peppers to pop open. Rudock hits him and Peppers turns upfield for a nice gain. (CA, 3, protection 2/2, RPS +1)
M36 1 10 Ace twin TE WR hide 1 2 2 4-3 over Pass PA Waggle hitch Darboh 8
Chesson an inline TE to the boundary with Darboh split wide to the field; Michigan has Williams and Butt in two point stances close to the LOS. Much of OSU DE bites hard on zone stretch fake. Backside DE tasked with QB contain gets blocked by Williams, and Rudock now has a triangle read with Butt headed deep on a corner with Darboh shorter and Chesson coming across. Looks like both underneath options are open; first read is outside. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS +1)
M44 2 2 Ace WR hide 2 1 2 2 4-4 even Run Inside zone Smith 1
Both TEs are in fact the WRs and vice versa. M runs out of it; WRs go into routes that are about as effective as blocks would be since they take their gents out of the play. But there are eight guys in the box against seven blockers so once the WRs remove themselves from the equation you’re down to six on five and one of the unblocked is a DE. I don’t know if this is a bust or what but Cole and Braden blow up a DT and leave the backside end alone. Kalis(-1) gets shoved back a couple yards by a DT and Smith has to cut back into the unblocked DE. Smith(+1) manages to spin through two DL tackles at the LOS to get near the first down. Glasgow(-0.5) probably should have offered more help to Kalis. He stepped to the DT but didn’t actually hit him.
M45 3 1 Power I 3 2 0 4-5 over Run FB dive Houma 4
Houma motions in from a WR spot to an H-back spot just behind Braden. He gets the ball and surges ahead. Glasgow(+0.5) and Braden(+0.5) club the NT and Cole(+0.5) gets to a LB but this was mostly M attacking the gap in the OSU line before they could do anything to close it. RPS +1.
M49 1 10 Ace twins 1 2 2 4-4 over Pass TE corner Butt 10
PA holds Bosa in a force position for a second but as soon as he reads pass Mags(-2) is boned. Butt’s route is taking longer to develop than Rudock wants since he’s getting jammed. He does decide to throw since Butt is only so covered when he’s covered; Bosa hits him on the throw. Ball flutters in the general direction of Butt, who makes a really tough catch on a non-spiral as the LB is raking at it and hitting him. (PR, 1, protection 0/2)
O41 1 10 I-Form Big 2 2 1 4-3 over Run Pin and pull zone Peppers 5
Takes a while but Cole(+1) does step around and seal the playside end by himself. It’s a bit of a mess further outside. Poggi’s(-1) supposed to chip and go get a guy; I think he gets the targeting wrong after the chip. He goes after the playside LB flashing by him, which is super difficult. Michigan has Houma for this guy; he’s the force player. Poggi should let the guy go and go get either the MLB or S. He does hit the guy and make Houma’s block easier; Peppers(+1) sets up the three mentioned OSU dudes and then cuts back behind them. Backside LB manages to come through the trash behind to tackle.
O36 2 5 Shotgun 2-back TE 2 1 2 4-3 over Pass Razzle Dazzle N/A Inc
Fake end around to Chesson into a speed option on the edge with Peppers and Rudock. The intention is for Peppers to throw. Darboh has a hard time powering through the press coverage and Peppers doesn’t like the throw even though the safety is biting. He’s got a WR one on one deep but he is not a QB and is probably told to eat it if it’s not obvious. He brings it down and then throws it OOB when OSU is up on him to tackle. (Not charted.)
O36 3 5 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Base 3-4 Pass Throwaway N/A Inc
Peppers still in, at RB. It looks like half the line gets the wrong snap count. Kalis, Magnuson, and Butt all stand stock still at the snap as the other guys activate. Kalis(-1) and Magnuson(-1) get split by Bosa and a blitzer is free up the gut. Rudock chucks it away in the direction of a very covered Peppers. (PR, N/A, protection 0/3, Team -1 in addition.)
Drive Notes: Punt, 0-0, 10 min 1st Q. This is an indefensible punt even w/ Blake O’Neill.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M20 1 10 Ace trips tight bunch 1 2 2 4-4 over Pass PA waggle RB flat Johnson 13
Zone motion from the line again suckers in much of the OSU defense; Johnson just sprints to the edge and easily beats the relevant linebacker to the spot. He glides for an easy first down. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS +2)
M33 1 10 Wildcat 3-wide 2* 0 3 4-3 even Run QB Power Peppers 7
Six OL with Newsome at LT and Cole the nominal tight end; Peppers the QB. M runs power at the gap in the OSU line. Mags(+0.5) and Kalis(+1) eliminate the playside DT; Kalis puts him on the ground. Mags cannot get to a second level block. Chesson(+1) gets inside of a LB and locks him out; Kerridge(-2) does not read this and goes to the same player. This leaves a safety at about five yards. Peppers(+0.5) spins through him and gets clocked by the LB Mags couldn’t get to. Good kick by Cole(+0.5). Braden(+1) pulled around and nailed the MLB effectively. RPS push since M had to make the regular number of blocks to get these yards.
M40 2 3 Shotgun double stacks 1 1 3 4-3 over Run Inside zone read Peppers 2
OSU not respecting pass here and the zone read doesn’t help M. Slot LB is contain on Rudock so the backside DE just shuffles down and forces Peppers(+0.5) to pick his way frontside. He can’t follow the lane inside because of the backside end and puts himself opponent-side of a couple of decent blocks. RPS -1. Cole(+0.5) and Braden(+0.5) had effectively comboed through the backside DT.
M42 3 1 Ace 1 2 2 4-4 even Run Dive Houma 5
Houma the lone back; M just runs it right up the gut. Darboh motions in to be a third TE and does enough against an OLB. Braden(+1) and Glasgow(+1) hit the NT and Braden seals him away as Glasgow pops off quickly on a blitzing LB. Cole(-1) whiffs at the second level, overrunning a guy. He does push him off balance so that when Houma(+1) makes contact at the line he can drive that guy backwards for a solid chunk of YAC. Butt’s(-0.5) block was bleah enough to endanger the play but his guy couldn’t get off the block after driving Butt back a yard or two.
M47 1 10 Pistol Diamond 3 0 2 4-3 even Pass Fade Darboh Inc
M tests the press coverage and while this is relatively difficult for Darboh with Apple’s hand in his chest, he’s got both hands free and the ball is perfect. You want him to bring this in. (CA, 2, protection 2/2)
M47 2 10 I-Form Big 2 2 1 4-3 over tight Run Edge pitch sweep Johnson 1
Peppers at FB and Johnson at RB; fake dive to Peppers up the middle into a pitch. This isn’t the naked edge pitch that often accompanies this; it features Cole pulling. Hill(-2) initially seals the DE but then loses him upfield such that Johnson has to cut inside of that dude. This kills the play which is based on Johnson outrunning guys to the sideline. RPS -1; even if this gets executed a safety on the hash eight yards deep is going to make this into not much.
M48 3 9 Shotgun 4-wide 1 2 2 ??? Pass Dumpoff Johnson Inc
OSU in an exotic pass rush package that I can’t ID because we cut to the play after the snap. A safety or deep LB is sent on a blitz. Glasgow reads it and picks it up. Kalis(-2) allows his guy to swim to the interior assuming that he has help. He does not. Johnson(-1) looked for a pickup he needed to make and then released instead of getting a block; Braden and Cole have a lot of trouble with a stunt but maybe just do enough without the other error. Rudock gets lit up on the throw. (PR, 0, protection 0/3)
Drive Notes: Punt, 0-0, 5 min 1st Q
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M22 1 10 I-Form twins 2 1 2 4-4 over Run Lead zone Smith 4
M gets hit with a run blitz that should end the play at the LOS, as the backside LB times M up and gets in unscathed. Rest of OSU’s D funnels it back to the free guy, not really any fault of the blocking. Smith(+2) runs through the dude’s tackle to rescue this by himself. RPS -2.
M26 2 6 Ace twins twin TE 1 2 2 4-4 over Pass Fade Darboh Inc
Another reasonably tough ball that Darboh should nonetheless really bring in. He looks back over his inside shoulder and does a three-sixty, which is not ideal, on a good back shoulder ball. He can only stab it with one hand; he stops it and gets his other hand on the ball but juggles it and it escapes his grasp. (CA, 2, protection 2/2)
M26 3 6 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 3-3-5 nickel Pass Out Chesson 13
Chesson ends up in the slot and runs an out as Darboh’s in underneath him sucks away the press man corner. Chesson pops open; Rudock throws it high, almost so high that Chesson can’t get to it; he does. Bosa had blown through Cole(-2) to get a hit in and that may be why the ball floated. (MA+, 2, protection 1/3) RPS +1, route was easy open.
M39 1 10 Offset I twins 2 1 2 4-3 over Run Power O Smith 1
Same run blitz and it works again. Kalis is trying to pull and has nowhere to go as OSU slants hard to the playside. Mags(+0.5) actually does a good job to read the LB blitz and to slightly annoy that LB after passing Bosa off to nobody. He can’t hope to do much more than slow him; he slows him. Smith has to hit the backside and does. LB Kalis never had a chance to block is free and so is the blitzer, more or less. They tackle. RPS -2.
M40 2 9 Ace Quad tight bunch    4-4 over Run Pitch sweep Peppers -1
Six OL. Cole in a two point stance where you’d normally have a standup TE. Two FBs flank him. Michigan has the numbers but they blow all the blocks on the edge. Cole(+1) turns in Bosa, edge available. Playside LB widens to be force. Poggi(-2) first chases him outside and then changes his mind to go hit the other linebacker running to the play. He touches neither guy. I’m pretty sure that Kerridge running through this mess to the S is correct. Mags(-2) is pulling around and he absolutely has to kick out that force guy. He runs by him. Those two guys tackle, really disappointing because this could have worked bigtime. RPS +2
M39 3 10 Shotgun trips TE 1 1 3 Nickel over Pass Deep out Chesson 20
Great pocket this time; an unmolested Rudock can stand and fire a deep out to Chesson just before the safety arrives to blast him. Chesson(route +) got excellent separation here. Throw is a little iffy since it takes Chesson to the safety instead of the sideline. (CA, 2, protection 3/3). This was a flood concept, BTW.
O41 1 10 Ace WR hide 2 1 2 2 4-3 over Run Inside zone Smith 1
Meh job dealing with a blitz, this one from the SAM. He charges up the middle. Glasgow(-1) tries to hit him and then realizes that’s not his job; he extends to the MLB late and gets only a small piece. Smith is able to shift around the blitzer as Braden pushes him past where he wants to go but after that he’s swarmed as Cole(-0.5) loses his guy after a reasonably long block. RPS -1. M did the WR at TE thing again and OSU ignored it as they went into routes, so they have extra guys in the box.
O40 2 9 Shotugn 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Penalty False start Glasgow -5
Glasgow -1.
O45 2 14 I-Form 3-wide tight 2 1 2 4-3 over Pass PA TE out Butt 12
Butt motions just inside of Darboh and runs an out; M holds the LBs with a PA fake that only the RBs run; line is pass block the whole way. OSU S is not able to get over in time as Rudock knows where he’s going and slots it in confidently. (DO, 2, protection 2/2)
O33 3 2 I-Form 3-wide tight 2 1 2 4-4 over Pass Scramble Rudock 2
M trying to get a pick route going with Williams’s route obstructing the LB trying to get out on Houma in the flat. LB actually comes under this mess, ends up behind the LOS, and chases. Houma has a step or two but Rudock doesn’t like it, pulls it down, and just squeezes out the first down. (SCR, N/A, protection 1/1)
O31 1 10 Ace 1 2 2 4-3 over Pass TE post Butt 22
Token PA fake does enough to hold the MLB close to the LOS so he’s not a major factor; Butt(route +) gets the safety to bite on a threatened corner before breaking to the post. Rudock is maybe a hair late; he leaves it a bit outside to keep it away from the S in the center of the field and puts it in the #buttzone. (CA, 3, protection 2/2)
O9 1 G Shotgun double stacks 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Flash screen Perry 2
This is a very odd place on the field to run this, especially with an OSU corner in press. Darboh fends that guy off okay but the S and LB converge after a minimal gain. This wasn’t the greatest throw from Rudock and that could have cost M a yard or two but yeesh. (CA, 3, screen, RPS -1)
O7 2 G Ace twin TE 2 1 2 4-4 over Pass Swing Darboh Inc
Darboh runs an end around motion to the strong side of the formation, leaving Butt covered for the duration of the play; Michigan runs a play fake with Braden pulling and then tries to swing it to Darboh. This looks like Rudock screws it up but I think it’s more Darboh(route -) slowing up for some reason. You want this throw to pull the WR forward so he can catch it moving towards the LOS or you get something like the last play. Ball gets dropped. Was going to be tough for Darboh to get in but he probably gets a few yards. (MA, 2, screen)
O7 3 G Shotgun 3-wide 1 2 2 4-4 over Pass Slant Darboh Inc
Darboh(route -2) struggles to get through press coverage and isn’t even looking for the ball when it comes out. Very disappointing game so far from him. Not a fan of this playcall which puts just Darboh in the endzone and has a bunch of guys running short. Rudock has time here but no options at all. (MA, 0, protection 2/2)
Drive Notes: FG(24), 3-7, 9 min 2nd Q. Playcalling pretty weird once it got goal to go.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M8 1 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Run Zone counter Smith 4
Looks like split zone but Hill, who is the FB headed backside, changes his path to hit it inside of Cole’s kickout. Looks like an intentional playcall rather than improv. Zone look does get the SAM to bury himself in the line. Braden(+0.5) and Glasgow(+0.5) seal the NT with Braden getting out to the LB who bit; Hill (-1) comes close to whiffing on McMillian. He can come around and initiate contact; last LB in the box is free and also hits. Still a decent gain. OSU not respecting the bubble here and playing 7 on 6 in the box with no gray area. RPS push.
M12 2 6 I-Form 3-wide tight 2 1 2 4-3 over Pass Dumpoff Smith 5
Good protection. No PA and LBs drop back into a couple routes; Darboh on a fade is the other option. Rudock does not like these and checks down. Smith(+0.5) grinds out his YAC. (CA, 3, protection 2/2)
M17 3 1 Shotgun 3-wide 1 2 2 4-4 over Pass Post Chesson 15
Not a lot of faith in the ability to pick up one here but it works out. Chesson(route +) does a better job getting off press than Darboh has today, shocking the CB with both hands and breaking inside. He gets a step or two and then settles in an effort to not go into the S’s danger zone. Rudock sees it and puts it up high; Chesson can catch clean thanks to the route. (DO, 3, protection 2/2) DO because this is Rudock leaving his routes on the left to go find his third option, Chesson.
M32 1 10 Shotgun 2 TE 1 2 2 4-3 over press Run Inside zone read Smith 4
Opportunity here if Rudock keeps. OSU shows man press and runs it; the second TE here is Jake Butt in an H-back spot so he’s more or less a WR and OSU treats him like one. M runs a zone read that’s probably not a read and the unblocked DE collapses on Smith. Smith(+1) still gets a good chunk by spinning through the tackle. For a second it looks like he’s going to break it entirely and then he gets tripped up at the last second. Glasgow(+0.5) and Cole(+0.5) got second level blocks to prevent help. Braden(+0.5) blew a guy down the line; he was already headed that way. Rudock(-2) misses the pull.
M36 2 6 Ace 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Screen Peppers 13
Just your garden variety screen. Perry comes in motion to threaten an end-around. M fakes a handoff to Peppers and then that end around; they throw the screen back to Peppers. Reminiscent of the big Butt screen against Maryland. It’s set up well and blocked poorly. Braden(-2) airballs on the only linebacker in the area. By the time Peppers turns around he’s in the proverbial grill. Peppers(+3) WOOPS him and runs through an ankle tackle, then explodes past another LB and recovering DL. Open field now and he’s motoring, dodging another LB and trying to get the sidelines; Perry(-1) overruns a safety in the chaos and that guy finally tackles. RPS +2, this was set up. Rudock’s throw probably contributed to the blocking issues. (MA, 3, screen)
M49 1 10 Shotgun 4-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Improv Perry Inc
Plenty of time. M runs all slants and Rudock’s first couple reads are covered. He does have Chesson but isn’t looking at him. He has to start moving around as the pocket breaks down and does so effectively. He’s in a pocket of space and can pick up a few yards on a scramble; instead he tries to hit Perry breaking open deep and misses badly. (IN, 0, protection 2/2)
M49 2 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Drag Perry Inc
Blitz with a DE dropping out. Glasgow has some trouble but does eventually get enough of this guy to give Rudock a lane. He starts stepping up to throw a drag route that’s super covered; never gets there as Bosa beats Cole(-2) around the corner and hits on the throw. Ball to turf. (PR, 0, protection 0/2)
M49 3 10 Shotgun twin TE 1 2 2 Nickel even split Pass Prayer Butt Inc (Pen +15)
Dubious call and formation on third and ten. End around fake and a covered Williams restricts what M can do on this play. Bosa lines up inside of a DE and rips past Kalis(-1) like he’s not there. Glasgow picks up the slack excellently. Rudock has to start moving up in the pocket and has nothing at all. He hurls the ball in the vague direction of Butt; M gets bailed out on a highly questionable PI flag. Webb got a little grabby but mostly Butt just falls down of his own volition. I mean, maybe Butt is seriously impeded here. But uh, Refs +2. (PR, 0, protection 1/2)
O36 1 10 Shotgun 4-wide 1 0 4 4-3 over Pass Angle screen Smith 24
This lovely little one man screen that just barely didn’t work against MSU (Seth drew it up) makes a re-appearance. All WRs run vertical, sucking the outside LBs upfield. Smith makes for the flat before tucking back inside; Glasgow(+1) releases and now has an angle to wipe out the MLB. He does so. Smith is now all alone in space and runs a good distance. He then runs over a safety(+1) and finishes with authority. RPS +2. (CA, 3, screen)
O12 1 10 Shotgun 4-wide 1 0 4 4-3 over Pass Screen Smith Inc
Some other screen variant goes poorly. Bosa is given a free run and takes it; Rudock has to sidearm the ball in the general direction of Smith, who is about to be swarmed anyway. Someone, perhaps multiple someones, missed an assignment. This can’t work. (PR, 0, protection N/A, RPS -1)
O12 2 10 Ace trips tight bunch 1 2 2 4-3 over Run Pitch sweep Peppers 7
Throw is an option here but Peppers does not slow at all as he looks for it; since he doesn’t throw or slow Butt effectively gets a two for one on his block since dudes be chasing him to the endzone. On the exterior Bosa shoots inside too quick for Williams(-1). This picks off Glasgow. Chesson(+0.5) gets enough on a LB. Mags(+0.5) gets outside and shoves a LB. Kalis(-1) catches a DL and he gets the edge. He will run Peppers down. Thanks to the Butt threat, though, the S who would normally be screaming down at Peppers is occupied and he can still get a chunk. RPS +1.
O5 3 3 Shotgun trips TE 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Out Chesson 5
Chesson motions to the trips side. OSU responds by sliding LBs. Chesson simply outruns the relevant guy to the outside and then the endzone. (CA, 3, protection 1/1, RPS +1)
Drive Notes: Touchdown, 10-14, 1 min 2nd Q.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M26 1 10 Ace twins twin TE 1 2 2 4-3 over press Pass PA waggle TE Flat Hill Inc
OSU has this dead to rights as the backside LB reads it and goes with Hill. Hill’s going to get nailed; drops it anyway. (CA, 3, protection N/A, RPS -1)
M26 2 10 Shotgun trips TE 1 1 3 4-3 over Run Inside zone read Smith 4
OSU funneling this to the backside and Bosa; Mags(+1) gets a big shove on a DL who is making it a bit easy for him; guy does end up on the ground. Glasgow(-0.5) got stalemated and shed; Smith can’t press the frontside and has to cut back. Zone read held Bosa outside long enough for Smith to get a few.
M30 3 6 Shotgun empty TE 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass TE hitch Butt 7
Smith motions out and takes MLB with him. S has to give Butt so much respect that Rudock can get it there before he can close the distance. Short throw helps out too. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
M37 1 10 I-Form Big 2 2 1 4-3 over Run Zone stretch pull Peppers 2
So this is a zone stretch in every way except they don’t try to reach the NT. Instead they have Braden block down and pull Glasgow around. Braden(+1) has an angle so this isn’t the hardest but he does step around the guy and eliminate him. Glasgow(-2) meanwhile is behind where a normal G would be on the stretch; he would normally release to the second level and find someone to hit. Instead he oddly engages the guy Cole(+1) sealed inside, in fact ruining Cole’s otherwise excellent block. Poggi(+0.5) gets a good kickout and Peppers tries to follow Kerridge through the hole, where he gets got. With the NT sealed here a cutback is pretty viable.
M39 2 8 I-Form Big 2 2 1 4-3 over Pass Screen Smith 2
Peppers the nominal FB. M runs him on a wheel route and throws a screen behind it that is set up for real until Braden(-2) completely airballs on McMillian. Glasgow(-1) got ripped through by the NT and followed him for a second so he’s not downfield enough to maybe pick up the slack. McMillian makes the tackle; sure first down otherwise and possibly a big chunk. (CA, 3, screen, RPS +2)
M41 3 6 Shotgun trips tight bunch 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass Deflection N/A Inc
This pressure is the result of Bosa going right around Mags(-2) but Rudock does have a small window as he steps up to try and find someone. He cannot. Bosa and a DT who discarded Kalis(-1) converge. Ball gets out and limps forward. (PR, 0, protection 0/3)
Drive Notes: Punt, 10-21, 9 min 3rd Q.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M34 1 10 Ace trips tight bunch 1 2 2 4-3 over Pass Waggle sack N/A -5
Oddly, Butt heads to the back of the formation for a potential throwback screen that I don’t think is in the cards. To the waggle side Michigan has three routes in a triangle that are all very covered. Rudock eats a sack. (TA, 0, protection N/A)
M29 2 15 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Deep out Chesson 21
Perry comes in motion for a potential triple option but the PA is very token post-snap. Perry does grab the attention of a LB as he runs a flat route. LB sucks up and now M has a flood setup to the left side of the field with Darboh driving deep coverage off and Chesson faking the post before breaking out. He’s wide open and Rudock hits him. (CA, 3, protection 2/2, RPS +1) Bosa had almost wormed his way through Butt and Smith but this takes a while to develop and Rudock is still able to get it off without a hit.
50 1 10 I-Form Big 2* 2 1 4-3 over Pass Fade Darboh 39
Well, this does make up for a couple of the misses earlier. Rudock’s throw here isn’t great. Darboh is at the numbers and has a ton of room to the sideline, something shorter and a couple yards outside allows Darboh to have a leaping attempt like he did in the first half. Instead he has to work his way around the DB and get in a diving catch with his arms and body, not his hands. He executes this. (CA, 1, protection 2/2)
O11 1 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Run Power O Smith 2
Butt(-2) gets to downblock Bosa and that goes about as well as you’d expect. Braden gets hung up trying to get around the two of them in the backfield and that’s enough time for OSU to swarm. RPS -1. Cumong man.
O9 2 8 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Batted Smith Inc
Everything is covered and M might be fortunate this is batted down. Kalis(-1) didn’t get beat immediately but lost on a spin move that let the DT in to deflect the ball. (BA, 0, protection ½)
O9 3 8 Shotgun empty 1 1 3 3-3-5 nickel Pass Circle Chesson Inc
Chesson is pretty blatantly interfered with as the breaks back outside, with the DB grabbing his jersey and then hitting him before the catch. (not charted, N/A, protection 2/2, refs -2)
Drive Notes: FG(26), 13-28, 14 min 4th Q
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M25 1 10 Pistol FB 2 0 2 4-3 over Pass Flat Chesson 20
Another end around fake; Michigan also fakes a handoff to Peppers and then sets up to throw. This is another flood concept, this time to the right side of the field. Two guys carry Darboh deep and a LB goes with Houma on a wheel route; checkdown to Chesson is wide open and a chunk on a throw behind the LOS. (CA, 3, protection 2/2, RPS +2) Six OL.
M45 1 10 Shotgun trips TE 1 0 3 4-3 over Pass Sack N/A -6
Six OL again. Cole is TE/OL and Bosa lines up on him; Cole(-2) gets whipped and Rudock gets crushed on the blindside. This is a seven man protection and they’ve only got one guy for Bosa? Uh. (PR, 0, protection 0/2). Rudock is knocked out of the game.
M39 2 16 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Hook & Lat screen Peppers 6
Quick throw to Darboh out on the edge as Peppers comes out; Peppers then gets the ball. This confuses the playside DE; he hesitates and is lost. Cole(+1) does a good job mirroring a linebacker and kicking him out. Glasgow(+1) does the same with MLB. Perry(-2) fails to cut his CB and that guy makes the tackle after a decent gain that could have been more. (CA, 3, screen, catch actually by Darboh.) RPS +1.
M45 3 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass TE out? Butt Inc
Cole(-2) again beat just about clean in pass pro, this time by Lewis. Speight just throws the ball anywhere. It’s in the general direction of Butt but way off. (IN, 0, protection 0/2)
Drive Notes: Punt, 35-13, 11 min 4th Q.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M25 1 10 Ace trips TE 1 1 3 4-3 over Run Trap Smith 18 (Pen -10)
Braden(-2) fires out too close to the LOS and ends up getting run by; he grabs the DL around the collar and pulls him down, obvious hold called. Smith(+2) aborts to the backside of the play, which is there as Chesson(+1) and Perry(+1) engage LBs and get enough of them for Smith to pick through.
M15 1 20 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass TE circle Butt Inc
Good pocket. Speight throws underneath to a seriously covered Butt, who may be interfered with but probably not. PBU for the LB. (BR, 0, protection 2/2)
M15 2 20 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Hitch Darboh 13
Big hole in the OSU D as LB widens to go get Smith on a flat route and the DB on Darboh bails for a deep zone. Easy pitch and catch with YAC after. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
M28 3 7 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass Drag? Perry? Inc
Ugly throw not at either guy crossing underneath. Goes between them and behind both. (INX, 0, protection 1/1)
Drive Notes: Punt, 13-42, 7 min 4th Q.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M48 1 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 even Run Lead zone Smith 0
Braden(-2) lunges at a DT who backs out a bit at the snap, which is odd. Some sort of pass rush thing? Anyway, he falls and is now useless and an obstruction; DL and LB in hole with just Butt to block them and Smith can’t redirect away from the mess.
M48 2 10 Shotgun trips 1 1 3 4-3 even Pass Slip screen Smith INT
Little screen looks well set up but Bosa bats it and then picks it off. (BA, 0, protection N/A)
Drive Notes: Interception, 42-13, 4 min 4th Q.
Ln Dn Ds O Form RB TE WR D Form Type Play Player Yards
M5 1 10 Offset I 2 1 2 4-3 over Pass Fade Chesson Inc
Fade at a cover-3 DB who is eight yards off at the snap and only cares about defending deep. He gets over the top and there’s zero chance of a completion once he slows down. (BR, 0, protection 2/2)
M5 2 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Nickel over Pass Hitch Darboh 8
Wide open underneath as OSU is again mostly playing to prevent big plays. Throw is high but catchable. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
M13 3 2 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass Slant Chesson Inc
Throw is late and behind Chesson, who gets nailed on the throw and can’t complete the catch. (MA, 2, protection 1/1)
M13 4 2 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 4-3 over Pass TE out Butt 4
Quick efficient pitch and catch. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
M17 1 10 Shotgun 4-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass In Chesson 12
Good looking throw and catch as it looks like OSU overplays a shorter route. (CA, 3, protection 1/1)
M29 1 10 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass Out Chesson 11 (Pen -15)
This is actually pretty good; Speight throws this before Chesson gets into his break and the ball is right on him when he turns around. (DO, 3, protection 1/1). Cole picks up a dubious facemask call.
M15 1 24 Shotgun 4-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even Pass Back shoulder fade? Chesson Inc
One on one between Chesson and a CB that is kind of a draw; Speight puts it in the area bout doesn’t really give Chesson much of a chance. He has to stop and come back and dive at the ball; DB rakes at it to make this super difficult. (MA, 1, protection 2/2)
M15 2 24 Ace trips TE 1 1 3 Nickel over Run Trap Smith 2
M17 3 22 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even prevent Pass Hitch Chesson 5
Provided by D. Not charted.
M22 4 17 Shotgun 3-wide 1 1 3 Nickel even prevent Pass Improv N/A Inc
Mags(-1) and Kalis(-1) get split, Speight flushed. He heaves it at nobody. (IN, 0, protection 0/2)
Drive Notes: Turnover on downs, EOG.

Why did you do this?

I was contractually obligated to? Also it's interesting?


No, seriously, it's interesting. Can I interest you in a pile of Jabrill Peppers, perhaps?

I'm listening.

All right, let's start out with a very sneaky chart:

Offensive Line
Player + - Total Notes
Cole 5 1.5 3.5 Michigan tried to avoid piling up numbers on the OL.
Braden 4.5 8 -3.5 Two huge and unfortunate whiffs on screens that had numbers advantages.
Glasgow 5.5 6.5 -1 Even except for a false start.
Kalis 1.5 2 -0.5 Numbers so low as M avoided the right side.
Magnuson 3 2 1 See Kalis.
Newsome    DNC
Butt  2.5 -2.5 Ate up by Bosa once.
Williams  1 -1 
Kerridge  2 -2 Think he missed an assignment.
Poggi 0.5 3 -2.5 Largely responsible for a Peppers sweep that went nowhere.
Hill  3 -3 Welp.
TOTAL 20 31.5 39% Could not cope with OSU D.
Player + - T Notes
Rudock  2 -2 Missed a zone read pull.
Peppers 5.5  5.5 Really good runner.
Smith 7.5  7.5 Made a significant number of yards himself. Zero pass pro minuses.
Isaac    DNP
Houma 1 1 0 Mostly a blocker here.
Johnson    DNC
Higdon    DNP
TOTAL 14 3 11 Kept head above water. W/ bowl this is late season surge for Smith.
Player + - T Notes
Chesson 2.5  2.5 
Perry 1 2 -1 
TOTAL 3.5 2 1.5 
Player + - T Notes
Protection 38 21 64% Cole –8, Kalis –6, Magnuson –5, Johnson –1, Team –1. (FWIW, M was 6/8 on final Bosa-free drive with Magnuson and Kalis getting minuses on the last play.)
RPS 19 11 +8

Harbaugh kept M's nose above water.


Sorry, sneaky.



We'll talk about the OL numbers in a bit. Now I want to focus on Michigan's gameplan and that RPS number. I loved this gameplan, with a couple of exceptions we'll talk about. When Michigan got stalled it was because a play that should work got blown up because either 1) OSU's talent level greatly exceeded Michigan's or 2) a Michigan dude just blew his assignment. Aside from a couple of run blitzes that Michigan wasn't prepared for OSU didn't have much to respond with.

They didn't actually need a tactical response since they had Joey Bosa going up against Erik Magnuson and Mason Cole, but I thought the Michigan coaching staff got the maximum out of what they had. That was just 13 points because they got zero help from the defense and OSU was able to out-talent them enough to bend but not break. Michigan drives:

  • 10 plays, 43 yards, indefensible punt from the 36 on fourth and 5
  • 7 plays, 28 yards, punt
  • 14 plays, 72 yards, chip shot FG
  • 11 plays, 92 yards, TD
  • 6 plays, 15 yards, punt
  • 7 plays, 57 yards, chip shot FG
  • 20 yards on first play, Rudock knocked out on next, GG

That was against a D that had three top 20 picks and three more guys go before the third round was over; Michigan had 307 yards on just six drives. If they get the 9 or 10 possessions with Rudock that you'd expect before the game they easily crest 400 and approach 500.

Yards are only part of the equation, as Michigan bogged down in the redzone because their OL could not compete with the OSU DL. Michigan knew this and tried to avoid testing that matchup. (Thus the low overall numbers for the OL.) That was no longer tenable inside the redzone; once they got goal to go on their third drive their next two plays were WR screens.

But what's so great about this gameplan?

Michigan got big chunks of easy stuff against a top-notch defense. Whether it was shooting Drake Johnson into the flat before a linebacker could react or popping Chesson wide open repeatedly, Michigan had numerous opportunities to bust big plays because of the way Michigan was attacking the OSU defense.

One of their most successful ventures was running "flood" concepts. Flood routes put three guys on one edge of the field ranging from 40 to 20 to 0 yards downfield; OSU struggled to cover these. This one meets pure man coverage and even an iffy throw from Rudock that takes Chesson to the safety a bit is still a chunk:

Here's another flood based off Perry's motion; LB sucks up and the press corner on Darboh gets run off, leaving Chesson one on one with a safety who has to protect the post and is going to lose an out cut like this 99% of the time:

And a third time they got back to it with more motion on which a linebacker ran deep with Houma, leaving Chesson so open he racked up a 20 yard gain on a throw behind the LOS that was not a screen:

The touchdown was easy because Michigan motioned Chesson into a slot position where he got singled up on a linebacker:

All of these are passing concepts on which Michigan has a distinct advantage because of their playcall and the generally static structure of the OSU defense.

Meanwhile Michigan's approach with Peppers was on the verge of being wildly successful if some dudes could just execute some things. A screen turned into a chunk play because Peppers managed to dodge a half-dozen tacklers; it should never have come to that:


(More about him in a bit.) Michigan had another screen this open for Smith, but Braden again couldn't stay attached to the one linebacker who can make the play and that screen got nerfed near the LOS.

Michigan hit on that lovely one-man angle screen that they used against MSU:

(Against the Spartans that was a sure touchdown batted down at the LOS.)

This is a ton of good stuff! Michigan got piles of mismatches in this game, whether by alignment or personnel. There were correspondingly few plays that I thought were bad ideas from the start. (One of them was asking Butt to block Bosa on a power play.) They took advantage of many RPS+ plays and left big chunks of yards on the field on others. If this was year four I'd be upset about some of those breakdowns; one year removed from a Brady Hoke offense I chalk most of that up to the lack of player development characteristic of his regime.

The other thing that's impressive about the RPS: the rest of that chart. It is hard as hell to scheme your way to yards when you are being mostly dominated across the front. Michigan managed it despite a lot of doors being emphatically closed.

But it wasn't good enough to, like, score a bunch of points.

No. The main reason for that is blindingly obvious in the chart above: Joey Bosa. Also some other guys, but mostly Joey Bosa, who was responsible for about 14 pass protection minuses as he continually abused Cole and Magnuson. Rudock was of course knocked out on a play where Bosa zipped around Cole in a flash. If there was ever any question whether Cole is a left tackle, this game is clear evidence he's not.

Time and again Michigan drives would sputter because Bosa came around the corner. This one works out, barely:

On that one Bosa is delayed by the play action—you see him set up as a force player before bursting upfield. That's a situation where the OL has a big advantage and Bosa still gets around Magnuson in a flash. Even so this would normally be enough time to get the ball out without a deflection; OSU spent a ton of time in press coverage in an effort to get Bosa's matchup to pay off. The clip above is an excellent example of that, as it takes Butt another second or so to get to his route because he's taking press coverage.

This is also a completion; on it Cole gets bulled back so far that his help can't even, uh, help before Bosa's through to Rudock:

Magnuson was teleported around:

This was playing with fire and it eventually burned Michigan when Bosa buried Rudock from behind, ending his day.

Shouldn't they have gone max protect or chipped a guy or any number of other things?

Those approaches all come with costs, and the way Michigan was attacking OSU's approach makes those difficult. OSU was in press most of the day; they were in quarters most of the day. To get after that defense you have to attack the safeties from the slot or TE positions. Michigan did both successfully, but that necessarily means putting Jake Butt in a route. I have a hard time hammering Michigan's approach to this game when it got them so much free stuff.

So it was just the OL?

Unfortunately, no. There were a number of disappointing performances scattered through the offense even beyond the OL matchup that was highly unlikely to go well. Amara Darboh's day was disappointing. Michigan tried to exploit OSU's press coverage with him twice in the first half; twice Darboh got both hands on the ball only for an incompletion to result:

That's not Junior Hemingway style right there. Apple is in annoying position but is not actively breaking this up; also Darboh got shoved to the point where he's not high-pointing the ball. Later he'd turn inside on a ball thrown to his back shoulder, which cost him a critical step or two:

I also thought that he was at least partially at fault for the failed swing pass Michigan tried on second and goal. Rudock throws the ball such that Darboh should catch it going forward at a fair clip but Darboh runs the route such that this makes it difficult for him to catch:

If that's going to work it's gotta start with Darboh sprinting as he catches the ball. These three plays were his 0/3 on challenging catches; each was a makeable play that did not get made.

Darboh also struggled against OSU's press coverage more than Chesson. The play after the above screen saw Rudock with no options other than trying to hit Darboh on a slant against press coverage; Darboh was knocked off his route so badly he didn't even look back for the ball:

Chesson provided a counterpoint to this on the next drive. He's at the bottom of the screen; watch him shock the press corner with both hands, getting him off balance and breaking to a now-open post route:

Darboh did help make up for these with a high degree of difficulty diving catch on a questionable deep ball later; this was not one of his better days. While the erratic OSU wide receivers were making circus catches on the other side of the ball, Michigan's best contested-ball guy was just about neutralized by press coverage.

And there were other guys who were not great Bob?

Michigan's tight end crew didn't get more than one or two blocks that helped out, and they screwed some important ones up. The lack of positives is again Michigan's gameplan minimizing their role; the negatives racked up validated that decision.

A number of the execution issues seemed to come from a sore spot all year: Henry Poggi's targeting. This early Peppers run was made a lot more difficult because both Poggi and Houma end up taking on the same linebacker. Houma has to engage because Poggi doesn't get his block:

I think he doesn't get his block because that's the force guy and Houma is widening out to get that kickout and he should be going for the MLB, who is much easier for him to get since he's not ripping at the LOS willy-nilly.

A second Peppers run was more definitively nerfed by Poggi's indecision:

I don't know exactly who Poggi's man was, but it was not "none of the above." Notice that this is the same mistake—going after the force guy because he's the first thing to cross your face—except on this one he aborts and tries to get a linebacker further inside. This contributes to my take on the first play since that feels like a guy who got chewed out about a thing and then fixes it too late the next time.

This feint was doubly damaging since it appears to convince Magnuson to run by the force guy as well. And whoooo man was this a big bust for Michigan. This weird unbalanced line had OSU formation'd big time. If M executes a couple of relatively simple blocks on those two gentlemen  they have a blocker for the playside safety (Kerridge) and Peppers is loose for somewhere between 15 and a billion yards.

You mentioned Peppers Peppers Peppers?

This game was close to what I think we'll see this fall with Peppers. He wasn't quite fully weaponized but Michigan had him in on about 25% of their offensive snaps before the Rudock injury made things academic. They lined him up as a slot and hit him with a drag route; they used him as a plain-ol tailback; they got him in space with a couple of screens that deserved better blocking than they got; they pitched it to him with the intent of having him throw; they got some free yards despite bad blocking because a Peppers sweep with a throw attached dragged two guys to the endzone with Jake Butt; they busted out some truly exotic stuff:

He got nine touches in this game; while he didn't break anything big he demonstrated good vision and running instincts plus his trademark explosion. If his blockers get it sorted out this season he's going to score ten touchdowns.

Peppers is a special boy because he's equally capable of being an inside runner, an end-around/jet sweep guy, and a slot receiver. Michigan does a bunch of weird stuff with him, most of which they've rarely if ever put on tape before. This is the opposite of the Dennis Norfleet stuff where Al Borges would have him come in and do the same thing every time he touched the ball, and if Michigan continues to get him the same number of snaps a game he's going to blow up.

How did Speight do?

You realize not to take this too seriously?

Yes yes now tell me.

Right, well... don't take this too seriously...


...but it was a bit like the Minnesota game. Speight got off to a terrible start and then settled in a bit. Charts:

Jake Rudock 2015

Utah 5+ 18+++ 2 4* 4* 4 - 1 1 71%
Oregon State 3+ 17(3) 2 2 1* - 1 2 2 76%
UNLV - 13(4) 2 5** 2 2 - - - 50%
BYU 1 12(2) 2 1 2* 5 1 2 4 63%
Maryland 2 13(3)+ 3 4 4 5* 1 3 2 50%
Northwestern - 16(1)++ 4  1* 3 1 2  75%
Michigan State 2 9(1)++  7(1) 2 1 2(1) 5  50%
Minnesota 3 10(2)+ 1 5* 2* 1 2 1 1 55%
Rutgers 4 14(6)+ 3 2  1 1  2 78%
Indiana 8++ 27(5)++ 1 1 5* 2 2 4 5 78%
Penn State 2 24(8)+ 3 1 4* 2 1 5 1 70%
OSU 2 16(1) 4(2)+ 1  1 1 7 1 86%
Florida 3 15(1) 1 2(1) 3 2  3 3 74%

Wilton Speight 2015

Minnesota 1 3+   2* 1   1 63%
OSU 1* 4 2 3* 2  1   46%

First of all, before we talk about a guy still on the team: hot damn, Jake Rudock. He was under extreme duress and still came out with an awesome DSR, with most of those throws a significant way downfield. Relative to competition level the most impressive QB performance since Devin Gardner against Notre Dame in UTL 2. Take a bow, and enjoy a Todd Collins NFL career.

Anyway, Speight. He clearly had a case of nerves early, winging balls wherever when he got pressure. His pocket presence was nowhere near Rudock's. But he steadied himself and had a series of nice throws. It was very much garbage time but I thought this throw to Chesson was pretty slick:

Ball is out before Chesson's in his break.

The interception was just one of those things; he's trying to throw a screen over Bosa, who nobody cut, and Bosa deflects it to himself. I wouldn't read a ton into a DSR with that sample size; it's a little more data to consider. Emphasis on "little."

And the wide receiver chart?

Yes, yes:


[0 = uncatchable, 1 = circus catch, 2 = moderate difficulty, 3 = routine]

Player 0 1 2 3  0 1 2 3
Darboh  1/1 0/3 4/4  11 4/10 9/15 47/51
Chesson 1 0/1 2/3 6/6  21 1/4 9/14 36/38
Perry 3   3/3  5  2/3 13/15
Harris      2 0/1 2/2 3/3
Ways      3   2/2
Peppers    2/2  1   5/5
Butt 4 1/1 1/1 3/3  8 3/3 10/12 36/36
Williams      3 1/1  11/11
Bunting      1   7/7
Hill    0/1     6/6
Poggi        1/1 
Smith 3   3/3  7 1/1  15/16
Isaac         2/2
Green         1/1
Johnson 1   1/1  2   6/6
Jones      1   1/1
Higdon         1/1
Kerridge        1/1 5/5
Houma      1 0/1  8/9

Since we're done with the offense I can now state that Jake Butt made every routine catch that came his way in 2015 and just about everything else, too. I had him for two drop-type substances on challenging balls and perfect otherwise. With just 8 targets on which he had no shot at the ball*, when Michigan threw it to him 83% of the time they saw it pay off at an average of 11 yards a pop. That is absurd.

*[Balls in this category are a combination of inaccurate passes and instances where coverage is so good there's not even a catch attempt. Butt's huge catching radius and route running skills contribute to the low numbers. Deliberate throwaways are not counted here.]

What does it mean for 2016?

It's nice to have a Bosa. Oh hi Rashan.

Mason Cole is an interior OL. I mean, he can play tackle. I don't think he's coming back from this whipping to be a guy who can shut down primo edge rushers.

Stanford wasn't built in a day. While Jim Harbaugh did a terrific job to salvage what he could from the Wreck of the Brady Hokegerald, you can't fix sawft in under a year. This game hinged on the fact that Michigan's OL was in no shape to deal with the opposition DL, as so many games have been over the past four years.

I expect improvement here. I don't know how much you can expect from three fourth year guys entering year five.

Jim Harbaugh is a terrific offensive mind. I don't think you need to be told this, but Michigan's ability to work around some huge limitations was encouraging. Let's hope this kind of mismatch in the trenches becomes a distant memory starting this fall; Harbaugh's ability to diagnose a flaw and gameplan around it is outstanding.

Amara Darboh isn't Junior Hemingway... or at least he wasn't last November. This plus the bowl make me dubious of claims that Darboh's passed Chesson for the #1 receiving job. Awesome that all the practice reports are as positive as they can be; would like to see it on the field early this year to confirm.

Jabrill Peppers is going to be a serious part of the offense. He's not a sideshow. The variety of ways Michigan attacked with him—and the number of plays he opens up as a decoy—indicate a guy who can be on the field for big chunks of a game. He's never going to pass block, but even so Michigan has flexibility thanks to De'Veon Smith, who's a hybrid himself. Having both out there doesn't tip your hand.

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