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Upon Further Review 2014: Defense vs Rutgers


FORMATION NOTES: Not a whole lot was different, but Michigan did line up in a number of under fronts…

4-3 under for M

…so that was frustrating what with Ross playing SAM and Ryan at MLB, neither of them doing particularly well.

SUBSTITUTION NOTES: Usual rotation on the line except Charlton got the start and played about the same number of snaps as Beyer. Hurst continues to get a few snaps, which is a change from earlier. LBs same; corners generally Lewis and Countess with Taylor coming in for the nickel, pushing Countess inside.

Wilson went the whole way; Clark was the other starter at S with Thomas coming in regularly.

[After THE JUMP: the center cannot hold.]

LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O25110Ace 3-wide4-3 overRunN/AInside zoneRyan-1
Ryan(+2) reads the play and attacks a gap hard, leaving the guy trying to release onto him grasping air. He can do this because Glasgow(+1) has driven his guy back, making a cutback unappealing; Charlton(+1) also gets great push, then comes back inside to TFL once Ryan's attack has brought the back to a stop.
O24211Shotgun 3-wide4-3 overPass4ScreenBolden6
Defended decently; Glasgow(-1) appears to be a guy left back to peel into screens; he ends up falling. He gets to his feet but not in time to affect the play; he gets blindsided hard for his troubles. Wilson(+0.5) comes up to contain well, forcing the back to cut up further inside than he might like; Bolden(+2) dodges a block and initiates a tackle in space. RPS -1; this was two good plays to hold this down as RU had hats for every M guy.
O3035Shotgun trips tight bunchNickel evenPass5AngleCountess53
Ugh, ugh, ugh. This is RPS both ways as M sends a blitz that gets Ryan(+1, pressure +3, blitz) through clean, he blows up Nova on the throw. But M is in man coverage, with Lewis lined up to the outside, Countess nose to nose with inside leverage on the guy on the LOS in the bunch, and Wilson taking the TE type guy to the inside of the bunch. Countess(-3, cover -3) completely airballs on his jam and his guy runs hand-wavingly open past him, like literally three yards. If Nova had time this could be a touchdown to a different guy. Lewis is running with Grant, who initially runs like he's going to run an out, then breaks in. Lewis can't follow because Countess is madly chasing his dude. A successful jam and Grant is the guy hung up and Nova probably gets sacked. As it is, easy throw to the middle of the field for a first down and a pile of YAC. Clark(-1) looks really slow compared to Grant and gives up 10-20 more than is absolutely necessary. And Lewis(-1, cover -1) maybe could just say F-it and try to get to Grant more desperately?
M17110I-Form Big4-3 underRunN/AInside zoneGlasgow0
This down is on fiyaaah. Glasgow(+2), Henry(+1), and Charlton(+1) all beat blocks, with Glasgow two-gapping and tackling. Bolden(+0.5) gave an OL the old David Harris ole and got to the POA in case Glasgow didn't have it handled.
M17210I-Form 4-3 overPass4PA cornerLewisInc
PA buys Nova way too much time(pressure -3) as he can sit forever if he wants in a totally unharried pocket. Lewis(+1, cover +1) is step for step and gives Nova a very small window he can't hit.
M17310Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4Skinny postRyanInc
M gets the same bunch set with a similar defensive response to the 53 yarder and calls TO; after the TO something different. M in zone; Ryan(-1, cover -1) goes for a chuck on a TE who is just not much of a threat on third and ten and opens up a window inside of Countess for a first down. Dropped. I really really question WTF Clark(-1, cover -1) is doing on this play as he is looking at this route the whole way from the wrong hashmark and if Nova goes for the guy Ryan chucks he's wide open for a probable TD. Pressure –1; not too good but quick throw.
Drive Notes: FG(34), 3-3, 7 min 1st Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O26110Ace 3-wide4-4 overRunN/AJet sweep Thomas16
Thomas into the game now. Related to most recent coverage? Jet sweep handoff. Charlton(-1) doesn't flare out to deal with it; Bolden(-1) has no idea who has the ball; Thomas(-2) sets up inside, losing leverage and making this more dangerous than it has to be. Thomas's thing is worth at least half the yards here.
O42110I-Form twins4-3 overRunN/ADown GHenry2
M shows a blitz, runs a slant to the playside. Henry(-2) doubled and eventually thrown to the ground. Glasgow(+1) gives ground but eventually puts his guy on the ground and is there to constrict the space Henry dangerously left. RU TE massively blows assignment so he blocks no one after initiating Henry double so one lead guy takes on Bolden(+0.5); Bolden holds up; Unblocked gentlemen converge. Fortunate.
O4428Ace twin TE4-3 underPass5TE outWilsonInc
Twist blitz gets Bolden(+0.5) through clean with Ryan(+0.5) occupying two OL (pressure +3, blitz), quick dumpoff that Wilson(+1, cover +1) has covered, tackling for a two yard gain that isn't even that because the TE drops it. RPS +1.
O4438Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4PostThomas?24
M rolls Thomas down to the line presnap, lots of RU pointing about this. Rush four, drop seven. Taylor sets up with outside leverage, funneling to Wilson, Wilson cannot get there. Thomas ends up sitting at seven yards with no one within 10 yards of him; I feel he needs to be dropping or something? At the very least M tipped cover 3 hard and Nova went right to what looked like a presnap read. Cover -2, RPS -2
M32110I-Form Big4-4 underPenaltyN/AFalse startN/A-5
M37115Shotgun trips Nickel evenRunN/ADrawHenry-1
M stunts the DTs, totally discombobulating the OL. Henry(+2) has a very rare surge through as the guy trying to absorb attention, not only annoying the RB but actually tackling him. Bolden(+0.5) is shading over on the snap to the hole and beats a block to offer unnecessary assistance. RPS +1.
M38216Shotgun 2-backNickel evenPass4RB flatBolden11
Somehow this turns into a big gain. Pressure(-2) is bad, coverage(+1) good, and then a dumpoff caught at three yards that Bolden(-1) is kind of jogging after well after the WR commits outside, so he is unable to make a tackle for say six yards. RB gets most of it instead.
M2735Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4Tunnel screenCountess0
Countess(+2, cover +1, tackling +1) reads and attacks this, tackling for no gain.
Drive Notes: FG(44), 3-6, 1 min 1st Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O25110Shotgun 3-wide4-3 overPass4Hitch and goLewisInc
All day for Nova (pressure -2), though Hurst does come through eventually to prevent a -3. Still can comfortably set up and fire downfield. Lewis(+2, cover +1) bites a bit on Carroo's fake and is in some trouble; he is close enough to start yanking at the arm and gets his head around to find the ball and knock it away.
O25210I-Form 4-4 overRunN/ADrawWormley-1
M moves Clark into the box and has Ross flared out in a SAM-like position while still having their line shaded to strength; Rutgers runs a draw that Michigan eats alive. Wormley(+1) gets some penetration as his OL tries to set up for a pass block, then finds the fullback and bounces off him; this pulls the back away from that fullback. With Clark(+1) and Ryan(+1) shooting gaps on the snap and Wormley coming in as well this RB has no chance. RPS +2, Michigan seemingly knew this was coming.
O24311Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPenaltyN/AFalse startN/A-5
On the QB, which you don't see too much.
O19316Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4ScrambleBolden20
Clark(-1) fall down as he attempts to spin so big lane (pressure -2) that Nova can run up into; should still be no big deal but Bolden(-2, tackling -2) slips on a juke type substance from Nova and can not even delay the guy; Lewis(-1) also fell. That's a lot of guys on the ground for no reason on one play.
O39110Ace 4-3 overRunN/AInside zoneBolden1
Henry(+1) drives his guy back as Clark(+1) splits a double so the frontside is looking no bueno. Glasgow gets blown out by a forever double; Bolden(+1) can read the back's cut early since Henry has forced it and gets to the hole for a stick.
O4029Ace twins4-3 underRunN/AInside zoneOjemudia0
Corner blitz from the WR-less boundary; Ojemudia(+1) slanting inside of that drives a tackle back; Ross(+1) clunked a TE back and that could lead to an Ojemudia TFL as the space is restricted. RB cuts behind Ojemudia; Lewis(+0.5) reads and redirects to tackle with help from Glasgow.
O4039Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4ScrambleBolden7
M stunting the DTs, which Rutgers picks up; with the DEs pushing the pocket Nova bugs out; Henry(-1) got out of his lane and wasn't there to do much; Glasgow at least gets a hand wave in. This time Bolden(+0.5) is able to react and tackle with help from Ryan.
Drive Notes: Punt, 10-6, 10 min 2nd Q. This is the TO followed by ten men on the return.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O20110I-Form 4-3 overPass5PA postCountess80


we called a defense where a safety would be lower than usual to be able to help with the run and we didn’t get inside enough with another defensive back, and knowing the whole scheme of the defense, knowing where you’re a little bit weak- whenever you call a defense there’s always somebody that has a little bit more on his plate than everybody else or otherwise you’re going to run just straight generic defenses all the time, and it’s just a matter of everybody being focused in at that time to say, ‘Okay, I’m the one that can’t do this. I can’t bite on this out route right now. I can’t bite on this route because we’re a little bit weaker here’ and they happened to have the perfect call. They called a play-action pass. The guy- we bit on it and they hit. And that’s what happened.

SO: Michigan rolled Wilson to the LOS, put a lot on Countess(-5, cover -5)'s plate and ate an 80 yard touchdown when a post was called and Countess ended up ten yards away from the guy after biting on an out fake. RPS -3. Pressure -2, also.

Drive Notes: Touchdown (blocked XP), 10-12, 7 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O12110Ace 4-3 underPass4ScreenBolden33
Ryan blitzes, Clark peels back.Clark(-1) tries to cut inside and ends up giving himself up one for one without affecting the ballcarrier. Lewis (-1) gets caught outside, upfield and unable to shut things down around the first down marker; Bolden(-1) ends up locked inside by an OL. Wilson(-2) takes a bad, exacerbating angle that turns this from a first down into a big gain.
O45110Shotgun 4-wide4-3 evenPass4OutWilsonInc
Slot out is dropped. Wilson(+0.5, cover +1) likely tackles for three yards if caught.
O45210Shotgun 2-back4-3 evenPass4ThrowawayLewisInc
Ross off the corner, Clark folding back. Picked up, ton of time (pressure -2), Nova can't find anyone (cover +3) and ends up throwing an aimless ball in the general direction of a guy Lewis(+1) has blanketed.
O45310Shotgun trips bunch3-2-6 dimePass3AngleLewisInc
Identical play to the 53 yarder. Countess does not try to jam, instead just following the WR downfield on his go. With Countess not obstructing his path Lewis(+2, cover +2) gets on the back of the WR and makes this highly difficult.
O45410PuntPunt returnPassN/AFake puntHollowell-2
This is absolutely going to work big time but the upback throws it way behind and it's a popup that gives Michigan plenty of time to respond. They rushed all but three guys, so this could have been huge. Incredibly lucky.
Drive Notes: Turnover on downs, 10-12, 4 min 2nd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O25110Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4In Taylor5
Pretty odd by Taylor, who initially is up tight and then starts bailing as the WR cuts in; open for five and some YAC, Nova takes him off his feet. Cover -1.
O3025Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4Hitch N/A6
Maybe? M is late getting set (RPS -1) and generally confused; no pressure(-2) and two guys are running open for the first down(cover -2). Rutgers gets it and gets OOB easily. Yuck.
O36110Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4FlareN/A4
Nobody open downfield for a beat; Clark(+0.5, pressure +1) is driving back to the QB and gets an arm on him, QB flips it to the back for a decent gain. Cover push I guess.
O4026Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4OutClarkInc
Rutgers WR derp as guy doesn't even look for the ball; Clark(+1, pressure +1) was forcing the immediate throw and Taylor(+0.5, cover +1) in position for a stick or play on the ball.
O4036Shotgun 3-wideNickel overPass4DragRyan27
No pressure (-2); WR wide wide open on a simple drag route. Ryan(-2, cover -2) nowhere to be found; Grant gets the first down and about eight more, then Taylor(-1) whiffs on a tackle and Ryan(-1) whiffs on a tackle and Wilson, Countess, and Bolden all combine to whiff on a tackle but at least slow the guy down so Hurst can tackle him. (Tackling -3)
M33110Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4OutTaylor12
Wormley(+0.5, pressure +1) does get some vague pressure quickly; doesn't matter as Taylor(-1, cover -1) beat on an out.
M21110Shotgun trip bunchNickel overPass3PostWilsonInc
M rushes only Glasgow, Beyer, and Wormley and gets what you get when that happens. (Pressure -3). Nova with just ages to throw, throws. Two RU WRs end up in the same area. This allows Wilson(+2, cover +2) to get a hand up and deflect the ball away.
M21210Shotgun 3-wideNickel slidePass4DumpoffClark14
Clark(+1, pressure +1) beats an OT and flushes Nova; Nova chest-passes the ball to his RB as he nears the LOS. Countess(-1, tackling -1) misses a tackle after Bolden forces it back to him and Rutgers gets a first down.
M71GShotgun trips TE3-3-5 nickelPass3AngleTaylorInc
Taylor(-1, cover -1) beaten in man on yet another angle route; Rutgers just misses. No pressure(-2) again with a three man no Clark rush and they still get a wide open touchdown but can't execute.
M72GAce 3-wideOkie zeroPass7Rollout outCountessInc
M sends the house, gets guys through, Rutgers rolls away from it and gets a potential completion at the goal line they can't bring in. Ryan(+1, pressure +1) did discard a guy to make this hard;.
M73GShotgun trips Okie zeroPass7SlantClark7
Clark(-2, tackling -2, pressure +3) sent straight up middle free by major blitz. Nova kind of moves back and shoves him off and then immediately throws behind and low to a WR who... man. Who discarded Countess(-2, cover -2) so easily that Countess can't even make a play on a badly thrown ball.
Drive Notes: Touchdown, 17-19, EOH
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O9110I-Form Big4-4 evenRunN/AIsoBolden3
Bolden(+1) takes on the lead block effectively and deep, coming off to tackle; Ryan(+0.5) took an OL block to help compact the space; Glasgow(-0.5) didn't do much to prevent that block from happening and is just kind of eh.
O1227I-Form Big4-4 evenRunN/ACounterRoss-1
Counter action leaves M linebackers on the pulling guys to see who gets to win. Ross(+2) shoots inside of the pulling G to nearly tackle; he absorbs that blocker and still delays the back long enough for Ryan(+1) to scrape over the top and get there for the TFL.
O1138Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4SackCharlton-9
M stunt gets there with Charlton(+1, pressure +3, stunt) shooting up into the pocket with Henry(+0.5) providing contain and Glasgow(+1) winning a block for secondary pressure. Nova has no choice but to go down.
Drive Notes: Punt, 17-19, 12 min 3rd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O22110Ace 4-3 underPass5Waggle sackHenry-12
Blitz from SAM Ross and Clark folds back; Clark(+1, cover +1) has the easy dumpoff covered and Henry(+2, pressure +2) is set free upfield. He comes under control and sacks Nova, dislocating a finger in the process. Looks like they may have missed a close to incidental face mask. Refs +1, RPS +2.
O10222Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4OutTaylor13
Comfortable pocket(pressure -1), open WR(cover -1) for a nice gain in front of Taylor(-1).
O2339Shotgun 3-wideNickel evenPass4TE inJClark26
JClark(-3, tackling -3) with a ludicrously bad missed tackle on a TE that turns a punt into a huge gain by not even affecting said TE. RPS +1, though, a this coverage induced a throw that should have resulted in a punt.
O49110I-Form twins4-3 overRunN/ALead zoneBeyer4
Beyer(-1) cut to the ground on the backside so there's a lane to hit once the front is jammed up by a blitz/slant to it. Wormley(+0.5) got good penetration in particular. Bolden(+0.5) does a good job to get back to the cutback lane to tackle, even if just by the legs.
M4726I-Form twins4-3 overRunN/ADown GLewis2
M slanting away with LBs headed to hole; Ryan(-1) catches a block and gives ground; does not set an edge. Doing so sends RB to totally unblocked Bolden and other traffic. Lewis(+1, tackling +1) comes up at the LOS, takes a vicious stiffarm, and still brings the ballcarrier down for a meh gain despite having to shut down a lot of space. RPS +1, should have gotten a free hitter.
M4534Ace 3-wideNickel even pressPass4Rollout outLewis7
Not really Lewis's fault; M tips man, guy comes in motion and then goes back, he slips(-1, cover -1), standard rollout out for first down. RPS -1, coverage obvious and exploited.
M38110I-Form 4-3 underPass4PA flyThomasInc
All dang day for Nova, who is under no pressure at all when he throws a deep ball to a WR who tripped after blowing by Thomas(-2, cover -2)... otherwise this looks like a potential TD. Pressure -3.
M38210Shotgun 2-back4-3 evenRunN/ADrawBolden7
Ryan(+1) gets a block headed his way from the FB and shrugs it off, attacking the RB near the LOS and while he can't tackle he brings the guy to a near stop. Ross(-1) overruns the play; Bolden(-2) was so far removed from it after taking a block at the tart that he is not there to help clean up after five and gets nowhere near the play.
M3133I-Form Big4-4 underPass4TE hitchBoldenInc
Bad idea quick hitter from Nova hits Bolden(+2, cover +2) in the hands; ball then goes to Kroft but just got deflected so he can't catch it.
M3143Ace twins3-3-5 nickelPass4Rollout outTaylorInc
M lucky again, as they catch man coverage with Everyone's Rollout Out and Grant catches it, takes a not devastating bump from Taylor(+1), and then drops it.
Drive Notes: Turnover on downs, 17-19, 6 min 3rd Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O41110I-Form 4-4 underPass4FadeLewisInc
Lewis(+1, cover +1) is stride for stride and deserves credit for this breakup since he's holding a WR's arm and forces this guy to try a one handed stab he can't make.
O41210Ace twin TE4-3 overPass4TE hitchRyan10
Simple no-PA fake hitch to a TE that gets YAC because Ryan(-1, cover -1) takes two steps to the LOS and isn't here to tackle on the catch.
M49110Ace 4-4 overRunN/AJet sweep Charlton7
Charlton(-1) doesn't see the sweep and lets it outside of him; Wilson has rotated down and contains; Bolden(+0.5) does the best reasonable job he can of getting to this. RPS -1; no answer here.
M4223I-Form twins4-3 evenRunN/ALead zoneRyan5
Ryan(-2) eats the lead block from the fullback and while it looks like he's turning it to his help initially once Bolden threaten the RB he hops back outside. He can do this because Ryan got flat clocked by the FB and gets pancaked. TB adds 4 yards because he can dodge outside of Bolden's tackle attempt.
M37110I-Form Big4-4 evenRunN/ALead zoneRyan1
M slants away and gets the desired result, with the RB having to cut to the backside and a flowing Ryan(+0.5) showing up to tackle. Ross(+0.5) did a good job to get in and shove back an OL. RPS +1.
M3629I-Form Big4-4 underPassN/AWaggle TE dragWilson16
Wilson(-2, cover -2) beaten so badly he is never in position to tackle here and even with Bolden, who is two gaps inside of him on the snap. Taking steps to the LOS to defend the run on second and nine here as a guy who is just there to clean up. Cumong.
M20110I-Form Big4-3 evenRunN/AInside zoneRoss6
Okay, this is a bit on the refs as Ryan is held and no flag. Refs -2. Ross(-1) does not turn this in as he moves to the LOS aggressively once the TE motions to him. He hits the FB way in the backfield but the RB jut goes outside of him and nothing is accomplished since both ILBs are trying to dodge upfield. Thomas(-1, tackling -1) comes up to try to tackle and misses entirely.
M1424I-Form Big4-4 overPenaltyN/AFalse startN/A-5
M1929Ace 3-wide4-3 overRunN/AInside zoneRyan10
Insane presnap alignment as M has Bolden rolled to the line to the playside with both other LBs lined up backside. Line slants backside, Ryan(-2) momentarily flows frontside , hesitates, is lost. This puts the play in the obvious gap the slant wants and there is no linebacker within acres. RPS -1.
M91GI-Form Big4-4 overRunN/APower OThomas6 (Pen -15)
Michigan stacks this up pretty well, with a slant away and then three guys taking three blocks to funnel to help; Ross(+0.5) and Bolden(+0.5) are the most relevant ones; Thomas(-2) overruns a vastly obvious cutback and turns nothing into a good gain for first and goal. M gets lucky with a chop block on the backside of the play that didn't have anything to do with the result.
M241GShotgun trips Nickel evenPass4DragTaylor10
Glasgow(+1, pressure +1) beats a G and gets a rush up the middle; Taylor(-1, cover -1) in man on a drag route and cannot tackle on the catch.
M142GI-Form 4-4 overPass4PA post Countess14
I am really just feeling awful for Countess, whose coaches had no idea whatsoever what his strengths were this offseason. But this is more on Wilson(-2, cover -2), who vacates his center field zone to chase a corner route that Lewis is going to make very difficult either way and opens up a post route that's a much easier throw that yes, Countess(-1, cover -1) is beaten on. Ryan(-1) also sucks up on PA on second and goal from the 14 and makes this even easier.
Drive Notes: Touchdown, 17-26, 13 min 4th Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
O23110I-Form Big4-4 overRunN/AZone stretchBeyer0
A pitch but this is just stretch blocking; Beyer(+2) does an excellent job to string it out to the sidelines by himself and make a tackle. Glasgow(+0.5) flowed down behind to prevent cutbacks and that's' a good thing as Thomas(-1) got wrecked by a block and Bolden(-1) inexplicably runs upfield of a blocker and out of the play; if this gets past the DL there's no one on the second level.
O23210I-Form 4-3 overRunN/ALead zoneGlasgow0
Henry(+0.5) and Ojemudia(+0.5) drive guys back a little and constrict space; Glasgow(+1) gets doubled and gives ground and ends up on an accidental(?) stunt around Henry that puts him right in the hole, where he tackles. Results based charting this time. Bolden(+0.5) also there to prevent cuts.
O23310Shotgun trips TE4-3 overPass4CornerLewis26
All day again(pressure -2) with Clark coming through late to offer some whisper of pressure. Corner route comes open as Lewis(-2, cover -2) first lets the guy outside of him when he has Wilson to the inside, then stumbles to prevent any chance of a recovery.
O49110Ace 3-wide4-3 overRunN/AInside zoneClark-3
RB makes highly unwise decision to try to bounce; Clark(+2) has rocked the OT back and disengages to tackle him in the backfield; Glasgow(+0.5) had made the interior look bad I guess?
O46213Shotgun 3-wide30 slidePass5In HollowellInc
Bolden sent and M is getting there (pressure +1) so a throw is mandatory; Hollowell(+2, cover +2) breaks on the route and gets a full on PBU.
O46313Shotgun 3-wide3-3-5 nickel pressPass3SeamCharltonInc
M shows they're sending Clark and then backs off; they loop Charlton(+1, pressure +1) around Glasgow and he gets pressure up the middle. Nova throws a ball in the general direction of a TE Ryan(+1, cover +1) is in pretty good position on.
Drive Notes: Punt, 24-26, 6 min 4th Q.
LnDnDsO FormD FormTypeRushPlayPlayerYards
M45110I-Form Big4-4 overRunN/ALead zoneBolden8
Bolden(-2) gets locked inside by a lead blocker and give up the edge; Beyer(-1) drives too far upfield, opening up a big gap. Glasgow(-0.5) could have done better to constrict space as well.
M3722I-Form twins4-3 overRunN/ADown GHenry3
Henry(-1) gets sealed away when he should be slanting to this play, and that's about it.
Drive Notes: EOG, 24-26. Remainder of game is academic. Rutgers has 1:43 on clock and can run 1:20 off since M has only one TO, so they should start kneeling but don't.

This is a bad team.

I'm promoting you to Major Obvious.

Is major a higher rank than captain?

I don't know. /googles

It is! It is in fact what you would be promoted to if you were Captain Obvious and did a really good job at your role!

This reminds me of something.

Yes, it reminds you of this football team, which does things right from time to time despite a haphazard approach to everything.

So this team is bad because…

Because the players aren't particularly good and don't know what they're doing and probably aren't in the right spots to take advantage of their abilities.

That seems pretty comprehensive CHART

You can't just throw it out there like that.

I can. I'm Major Obvious Haphazard, Esq.

Ah. All right. Please take the metrics into account for this one.

Defensive Line
Clark7.54 3.5Also the pressure number is bad.
Henry6.542.5Not as much impact as desired. Did get a sack.
Glasgow826Order of St. Kovacs: awarded.
Beyer220Charlton getting more PT
Ojemudia1.5 1.5 
Wormley2.5 2.5
Pipkins   Apparently injured? Did not travel.
Charlton422TFL, some pressure.
TOTAL321418Good day against the run, but pressure metric means this is a draw at best.
Bolden10.5100.5Lot of half points to the good, some big mistakes to the bad.
Ryan9.511-1.5Actually surprised he came out this high.
Morgan   DNP
Ross422Set up a TFL with trademark jet through the gap.
Gedeon   DNP
McCray   DNP
TOTAL24231And check coverage.
Countess212-10: (
Taylor1.55-3.5Not much was hard when they tested him.
Lewis8.562.5Head above water.
Stribling Few snaps late.
Hollowell2 2
Wilson46-2Good thing he came back all the same.
J. Clark5-5That tackle attempt… oy.
Thomas8-8Looked really out of place.
TOTAL1842-24you wre-eh-eh-cked me
Pressure2229-78 organic, 10 blitz, 4 stunt. Too much time, too much.
Tackling212-10Oy oy.

So. The thing is: this could have been worse. Rutgers had Michigan dead to rights on the fake punt but the upback's throw took about a decade to get there; they were lucky that Carroo fell over on a deep ball he was going to be wide open on…

…and Grant dropped a pretty easy fourth down conversion. Much easier to see this going even worse than to see it going better.

And so that's pretty much that for any hope you might have had. The defense we were all hyped up on just gave up 400 yards passing to Gary Nova a week after almost allowing David Cobb to run for 200. It may get better, it may not, but the continuing disorganization Michigan exhibits infects everything.

I feel very badly for Blake Countess.

I know. So the little angle route that went for 53 yards in the first half was addressed by Seth earlier this week, and I agree with his assessment: Countess lunged for a jam that he totally whiffed on, not only leaving his guy open by some three yards but preventing Lewis from closing on the angle.

I can add supporting evidence as well. Rutgers returned to this exact play later in the game:

No jam attempt by Countess, Lewis unimpeded, Lewis annoys route into incompletion.

So that's one thing. Then Mattison didn't name names but when asked what happened on the 80 yarder he made it clear it was not a safety issue:

"…we called a defense where a safety would be lower than usual to be able to help with the run and we didn’t get inside enough with another defensive back, and knowing the whole scheme of the defense, knowing where you’re a little bit weak- whenever you call a defense there’s always somebody that has a little bit more on his plate than everybody else or otherwise you’re going to run just straight generic defenses all the time, and it’s just a matter of everybody being focused in at that time to say, ‘Okay, I’m the one that can’t do this. I can’t bite on this out route right now. I can’t bite on this route because we’re a little bit weaker here’ "

Countess bit on the out route and when the ball got to the WR there wasn't anyone within a mile.


And then on the touchdown to end the first half Clark's non-sack did at least force Nova into a throw that was behind the WR, and hypothetically in a zone where a DB has a play on the ball. Countess was not close enough to make that play.

It's hard to believe he was an All Big Ten sneaky-good interception machine last year. This is like watching what happened to JT Floyd in reverse.

So the safeties are okay?

No. Jeremy Clark had an alarming game, his second or third. It's developing into a pattern. Here he's got his eyes on a wide receiver to the opposite hash the whole play in some truly inexplicable coverage:

A little dump to the TE there is not going to find anyone there to tackle on third and ten and he can't help on the slant.

That's fuzzy; this grim tackle attempt is facepalm-worthy.

Clark got yanked from time to time after making plays like the above, but Dymonte Thomas wasn't better. Here he threatens to turn a first down into a very big play by losing contain on a jet sweep:

That's basic, and he didn't even make it particularly difficult for the guy with the ball to read. He just set up inside.

Even Wilson, the reliable veteran, turned ten yards into 30 by taking a bad pursuit angle on a screen pass to start a Rutgers drive; he lined up way too far inside on a waggle and a fullback got a hefty catch and run on him.

Will you finally start tearing Greg Mattison into tiny bite-sized chunks?

Yes, okay legion of internet commenters who has been mad about my general enthusiasm/tolerance for Greg Mattison even at this late date: skepticism is creeping in here too. They've seemingly killed Blake Countess by not knowing what he's good at; the Ryan move was incredibly risky and has turned one of Michigan's main assets into an average-at-best player, and this was not real good tactically.

Michigan does not do a good job of disguising coverages. This was an issue they copped to after Notre Dame and it remains a problem. On this third and eight conversion Thomas rolled down to the LOS, suggesting cover three; Nova pointed it out to his offense and then confidently stepped into a timing throw at the weak spot of that zone.

Very rarely has any semi-competent quarterback looked confused by what Michigan is running. They think they're going to see something presnap, that is what they get, and Gary Nova ends up looking like a Heisman finalist.

Michigan had no answer for the jet sweep, either, letting it outside like they'd never seen such a thing.

The middle was open the whole game and this is on Jake Ryan?

Well… after an encouraging couple weeks the Ryan MLB hype train looks to be grinding to a halt. There's far too little of the old Ryan see-kill-destroy, too much of Ryan eating a lead block and going backwards. This is just…

…why did you think this was a middle linebacker, especially when he was already a star at SAM? And you need pass rush?

Moving Ryan to MLB has nerfed his great skills and put him in a position where he is frequently uncertain, or out of position, or both.

In coverage we've seen Ryan go after chucks on guys who are hardly threats over and over again this year, and that's not stopping. This week opened up a window for a slant on third and ten by paying far too much attention to a guy running a route only Iowa thinks is a viable third down strategy:

And he bit on nonexistent play action to allow another long-yardage conversion; when it was actually third and six he was nowhere to be found when Grant caught a drag route:

The missed tackle is insult to injury.

Moving a guy who had never played MLB to the position as a senior when you had Bolden, Ross, and Morgan coming back was one of those This Better Work decisions, and it does not appear to be working. The lack of Ryan's pass rush was badly felt in this game as well.

I mean, he's coping. He does some good things. He's JAG at MLB.

Give me a bright spot, anything.

Jourdan Lewis seems pretty good. He is generally in contact with receivers and has a knack for disrupting them. He just about got beat on one hitch and go but was close enough to 1) futz with the WR's arm and 2) get a hand in to deflect it away.

Later he'd get targeted deep, run with it better, and grab the WR's hand so he had to make a one-handed stab.

After the pass interference penalties to kick off serious playing time against ND, Lewis has calmed down with the ball in the air and looks like Michigan's most capable DB by some distance.

This is what happens when you apologize to the gypsy and not every throw at your guy is perfect. Unfortunately, Lewis apologizing to the gypsy set off a chain of unforeseen events that landed us in our current situation. Life!


Jourdan Lewis. Ryan Glasgow.

Maybe not so heroic?

Countess. All safeties. Life.

What does it mean for Penn State and beyond?

This is a bad football team. They are bad at football.

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